The Legacy of Asia and Western Man (19??, non-fiction)
The Meaning of Happiness (19??, non-fiction)
Behold the Spirit (19??, non-fiction)
Zen (19??, non-fiction)
Easter -- Its Story and Meaning (19??, non-fiction)
The Supreme Identity (19??, non-fiction)
The Wisdom of Insecurity (19??, non-fiction)
Myth and Ritual in Christianity (19??, non-fiction)
The Way of Liberation in Zen Buddhism (19??, non-fiction)
Nature, Man, and Woman (19??, non-fiction)
This is It (19??, non-fiction)
The Two Hands of God (19??, non-fiction)
Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship (19??, non-fiction)
The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (196?)
Does it Matter? Essays on Man's Relation to Materiality (1970, non-fiction)
*note: These books are misfortunately missing from my archives (a sad story here... but I'll spare you the details).
I'd appreciate publishing data, links to more information, and online text (if any).
Psychedelic Baby Reaches Puberty by Peter Stafford
(1971, non-fiction...Praeger, US... assemblage of writings, interviews, newspaper reports... contains: an Interview with Alan Watts and Allen Ginsberg)
White Rabbit: A Psychedelic Reader edited by John Miller, Randall Koral
(1990, anthology... contains: ? by Alan Watts)
"Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen" by Alan Watts
(complete text of this essay available online thanks to Chris Cappuccio...
"this is the 1958 version, not the expanded version" --Chris Cappuccio.)
Additional Links
*note: Please let me know of any Alan Watts pages on the internet (include URL, page Title, Author, and brief Description).