*note: My files are very gestalt, but I intend to separate these books into categories. Don't expect too much too soon. This is going to take some time.
Newest additions are: aliens', 'artificial intelligence', 'counterculture', 'hackers', 'genetic engineering', 'neurologic', 'psychedelics', and 'virtual reality'.
Aliens / UFOs
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Life / Robotics
Chaos / Complexity
Genetic Engineering / Biotechnology / Genetics
Hackers, Viruses & CyberCrime
Nanotechnology / Molecular Engineering
Neurologic / Consciousness / Mind Control
Psychedelics / Altered States
Smart Drugs
Virtual Reality / Cyberspace
Plus these social reports:
(1996, non-fiction, sociology, cyberculture... issued in the UK as Children of Chaos )
(1995, non-fiction, sociology, cyberculture...Simon & Schuster, New York, US)
*note: I'm a bit out of touch with the comix scene at the moment, so there aren't any internal pages yet. I've recently added the 'Anima' link which should provide you with a jumping off point to other sites on the net.
Comics are an essential art form. Read them. Send me suggestions. Links appreciated.
External Links:
Science Fiction
(UK site... resource for comics artists... not perfect, but useful)
Exos's Anime/Manga Page
(definition plus netlinks)
He Is Just A Rat
(Tony Walsh's Rat Boy underground comic... e-mail: exclaim@io.org)
The Index of Pure Art
(e-zine... by John A.Adams... e-mail: adams@gwha.com)
Randyz's Cartoon Corner
("provocative and technologically advanced cartoons"... judge for yourself)
Webcomics Index
(online comic strips... haven't checked this link yet)
*note: I haven't begun to transfer my film files to HTML yet. The cyberpunk section is the most complete, and is the first to be entered, but only a couple of links so far. You'll see that I've grouped some beat films and some relevant documentaries to it temporarily... these will be put into separate categories at a later stage.
Beat Scene
Science Fiction
*note: Click on 'Magazines' above for a good selection (many more magazines have recently been added). Slowly, I've been separating them into categories.
alt.cyberpunk FAQ list:
Avant-Pop Central Page
(check it)
(a french cyberculture site on the net... bilingual)
Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture
(external link... cyberculture... with links to books, magazines, resources, cafes... glossary)
(Anachron Library glossary entry... definition plus links)
Cyberpunk at:
(Anachron Library glossary entry... definition, plus links)
Cybersphere - Le magazine electronique de la cyberculture
(french magazine dealing with cyberculture... bilingual... edited by Cyril Fievet... e-mail: cfievet@quelm.fr)
Cyber: Technology and Culture
(English Server at CMU... has a lot of articles and interviews on file)
The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension
(evolutionary ideas and knowledge... neurologic)
Future Culture
(originated by Andy Hawks)
(Anachron Library glossary entry... definition... contains booklist... plus external links... including link to hacker jargon)
Subspace: La france CyberPunk
(another french cyberculture site)
Virtual Reality
(Anachron Library entry... extensive booklist, nonfiction and fiction... plus external links)
X Avenue -- Stuff for Slackers
(note new URL)
*note: Some of these links are already listed under 'books' above.