(1978, non-fiction...Basic Books, US... 1992, 2nd revised edition, Guilford Press, New York, US)
"Epistemological Pluralism: Styles and Voices Within the Computer Culture" by Sherry Turkle and Seymour Papert
(published in Signs 16, 1990)
"Epistemological Pluralism and the Revaluation of the Concrete" by Sherry Turkle and Seymour Papert
(published in Journal of Mathematical Behavior 11, 1992)
"The Subjective Computer: A Study in the Psychology of Personal Computation" by Sherry Turkle
(published in Social Studies of Science 12, 1982)
"Tough Love: An Introduction to Françoise Dolto's When Parents Separate" by Sherry Turkle
(an online Introduction to the book by Françoise Dolto)
Sherry Turkle Homepage
(this is her website at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology... links to full biography, "curriculum vitae, to drafts of recent papers, ...reading lists for...courses..., 'The Mighty Morphin' Michel Foucault'..., the bot Julia, resources on women's studies, Imari china, and recent research on migraines" --Sherry Turkle.)
To reach Sherry Turkle herself: