Born 1916 in England.
"Lives in Tangier. An American citizen, Gysin has spent most of his life abroad, chiefly in Paris and North Africa. Gysin, a founder of the Domaine Poetique in Paris, gives frequent performances of his work, and his poems have been broadcast in France and England. He is the inventor of the 'Dream Machine', a rotating psychedelic 'visual aid' which functions only when the eyes are closed." -- (in An Anthology of Concrete Poetry , US pbk, 1967).
"Gysin, together with long-time collaborator William S.Burroughs, developed the 'cut-up' method of experimental writing." --Henry W.Targowski.
Died 1986.
Swiss father and Canadian mother.
OU Revue-Disque 40/41 March 72 edited by Henri Chopin
(1972, LP...Multi-Techniques, Paris, France... limited edition revue, 500 copies... published by Henri Chopin... contains: "Poems" by Brion Gysin, 1960-1962)
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(website maintained by Levi Asher)
"This site has really developed, it's probably the best overview on the beat scene available on the internet... do check it out... most highly recommended." --Henry W.Targowski.
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