Ernest Hogan

artist, illustrator, author, science fiction, slipstream, postmodern, avant-pop

Born 19?? in ?, ?.

"I'm an Irish-Chicano who's never been assimilated into either Latino or Anglo culture. I've lived most of my 30 years in the smog-eaten outskirts of L.A., but recently moved to Phoenix where I live with my fiancé Emily Devenport, another SF writer.

"My first published story was 'The Rape of Things to Come', about raping white women in an orbital colony; it caused quite a stir when it appeared in Amazing Stories -- which also purchased 'The Yenagloshi Express', calling it 'the weirdest story we ever bought'. My novels keep on getting rejected for being 'too zany'. I just don't seem to be in the mainstream of commercial SF -- or anything else!" --Ernest Hogan (in Semiotext(e) SF 14, 1989).

"He has two novels out (Cortez on Jupiter and High Aztech ) and is shopping around a third, Smoking Mirror Blues (a portion of which appeared as 'Tezcatlipoca Blues' in SF Age a few years ago). He also illustrated Squashed Armadillocon (written by that congenital asshole Paul T.Riddell [Hypatia Press, 1993]), and his illustrations and essays have graced many an issue of SF Eye. Also, the sequel to 'The Frankenstein Penis', 'The Dracula Vagina', appeared in the one and only issue of Proud Flesh (edited by Chris DeVito); he illustrated both this and Paul Di Filippo's 'Two Time Travel Blasphemies' in that issue as well." --Paul T.Riddell (info supplied in a personal e-mail, 1996).

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  • Art
  • Avant-Pop
  • Communication & Media
  • Counterculture / Underground
  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
  • Postmodern
  • Science Fiction
  • Slipstream

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    Page compiled by Henry W.Targowski, with additional info supplied by: Paul T.Riddell