Vernor Vinge

professor, author, science fiction, mathematics, cyberspace, computer architecture, cyberpunk

Born 2 October 1944 in ?, ?, United States.
Full name: Vernor Steffen Vinge.

"An associate professor of Mathematical Sciences at San Diego State University, where he specializes in computer architecture and distributed systems. Vinge occasionally turns out scholarly articles with daunting titles such as 'Approximation by Faber Polynomials for a Class of Jordan Domains'. But he's best known as the author of rigorously extrapolated 'hard' science fiction that marries the ring of fact to a cosmic sweep and a soaring transcendentalism reminiscent of Childhood's End by Arthur C.Clarke or Olaf Stapledon's The Star Maker ." --Mark Dery (in 21C Scanning the Future , #23, 1997).

"Vernor Vinge has been a finalist for the Hugo Award four times, for the novels The Peace War (1984) and Marooned in Realtime (1986), for the novella True Names (1981) and for a novelette. He has had a number of short stories published in Analog and other science fiction magazines. He is a computer scientist and professor at San Diego State University." [publisher's bumpf, A Fire Upon the Deep , UK pbk, 1993]

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Of Related Interest

  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
  • Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
  • Science Fiction
  • Slipstream
  • Space Migration / Terraforming
  • Virtual Reality / Cyberspace

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