ISBN none
novel, science fiction, future, cyberpunk, virtual reality, cyberspace, cyberculture
Near future, London. Unfinished and unpublished manuscript (1993-1994).
In a very near future the breakdown of society has fragmented the social fabric. The tough streetwise existence of the underpriveledged majority is contrasted by the privately-policed enclaves of the empowered rich. Technology has formed a new dividing line. As institutions are dismantled, schools shut down, and shops closed, the alternate universe of virtual reality becomes the antidote to the very real horrors of daily existence. Those who can afford the medium, send their children to virtual classrooms, shop in virtual stores, and work in virtual businesses.
But outside this cozy electronic dimension, reality has become much too nasty.
Some days you just can't breathe the air without filters. Flash floods inundate the economically-deprived lowlands on a periodic basis. Beserk citizens take out their rage and frustration in senseless acts of brutality and violence.
For those who cannot afford to participate in the 'safe' world of virtuality, real life is survival at the edge. Where teleoperated armored vehicles patrol the inner cities. Where supplies of water and electricity are sporadic at best, and withheld on command. Where food and appliances are supplied by a massive black market subject to its own rules and regulations. Where escapism has become the ultimate desire... and where the means to achieve it has become the ultimate commodity.