Pat Cadigan

hbk: none known
pbk: Bantam Spectra, (New York) US, August 1987

ISBN 0-553-26585-7 (US pbk)

novel, science fiction, cyberpunk, posthuman, edge, identity, mind, future, women

Near future, United States. First novel. When first published, Mindplayers was runner-up for the Philip K.Dick Memorial Award for best original paperback. A portion of the novel, in its short-story form, was a finalist for the Nebula Award. Working title: Pathosfinder . Published in Germany as: Bewüszligtseinsspiele ('Mind Games').
'Deadpan Allie' also features in the short story "Dirty Work". Another of her novels, Fools , is set in the same future.

"It is an era of mind-wipe and franchised personalities... a bad time to be caught fooling around with technologically induced psychosis. For Alexandra Victoria Haas, the choice between prison or psychological service is no choice at all; she opts for the grueling months of pathos-finder training. Plugging into so many disturbed psyches could have powerful and dangerous aftereffects for Allie. For in the volatile world of mindplay, the rules change when they change, and everything is true... unless it isn't." [jacket blurb, US pbk, 1987]

"When I first read Mindplayers my immediate impression was that I was looking at the best raw talent and innovative thinker I'd seen since I picked up William Gibson." --Alan Wexelblat (in a review of Dirty Work , 1994).

"My first experience of Pat's work was her debut novel, Mindplayers ... After reading only a few pages, I knew I'd come across something different... It wasn't just that the prose itself was a pleasure to read... Regardless of the sleek techno-trappings, Mindplayers transcended its supposed genre. It was about people; frail and vulnerable; tough and street-wise. The idiom Pat wielded was deft, yet there was a constant rhythmic rumble beneath the words that whispered of the cracking sanity of Deadpan Allie, the female protagonist... Disorienting mantras pervaded the text. Altered states of consciousness? Alerted snakes of consequence, of course... an outstanding achievement for a first novel." --Storm Constantine (in her Introduction to Dirty Work , 1993).

"Her best novel. An absolute must-have." --Bruce Sterling (1992).

"Hardcore cyberpunk. Beautifully written." --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 1995).

Highly recommended.

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Of Related Interest

  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
  • Generation-X
  • Genetic Engineering / Biotechnology / Evolution
  • Identity / Persona
  • Neurologic / Consciousness / Mind Control
  • Postmodern
  • Science Fiction
  • Slipstream
  • Virtual Reality / Cyberspace
  • Women

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