ISBN 0-929480-44-7 (US hbk, limited edition),,, 0-929480-44-9 (US hbk)
novel, science fiction, cyberpunk, aliens, UFOs
Full color jacket art by Paul Mavrides. Published in hardcover trade edition and a limited signed/slipcased edition.
"You only think you want to know what's going on at Area 51..." [promotional flyer]
"Got something strange for you. Something very strange. Something like a...Silicon Embrace .
"Could it be true? That humanity has a secret history and that secret history is coming to fruition? That the vast social crises engulfing Quinn Helden and Black Betty and Jack Sullivan, in Silicon Embrace -- crises like the Second American Civil War, the ecological breakdown that led to the American Famine, the balkanization of the country -- are all part of a startling convergence, a powerful current of Secret Becoming...which will transform humanity, or destroy it...
"Is that it? Could it be the time of Miracles is upon us -- that Miracles are coming out of the realm of myth and hearsay and into dazzling confrontational reality?
"Could it be that the flying saucer hysteria in the media, along with decades of extraterrestrial imagery in television and movies, has another meaning -- that it is, in effect, a transmission itself...from somewhere else?
"Could it be that there is more than one alien force working amongst us?
"And what's really going on at Area 51?
"Quinn Helden, alternative media reporter and Generation Z visionary, is beginning to discover the answers to these seemingly unanswerable questions.
"He' a conduit for the hidden truths, the living energies behind the civil war-torn landscape of the early 21st century...while at the same time discovering his own hidden secrets, his gift for the eerie cybernetic shamanism that he brings to this tormented and weirdly ecstatic future.
"A future where cyberpunk technology and ancient spiritual secrets merge into one Silicon Embrace ." [jacket blurb, US hbk 1996]
"It's an entertaining rip-roaring, postmodern adventure...and a straight-out way-cool 'alien encounters explained' sf piece...and a gritty future noir post-apocalyptic landscape story...and a metaphysical exploration of human history. It's about darkness and life and survival and love and hate and the universe and God. Silicon Embrace combines the best of Shirley's slambam cyberpunk with a profound spirituality, wicked sense of humor, aliens, UFOs, and a sociological/philosophical slant that leaves your mind spinning. It's a fucking sonic boom of a novel that leaves its echo with us on the ground while it breaks the sound barrier." --Paula Guran (in SF Eye , Issue 15, Fall 1997).
"Full of 'high strangeness', this book is everything I have come to expect from John Shirley. Government conspiracy, inscrutable aliens, no-holds-barred action. And a totally 'mental' warping of our perceptions. Warning: this book could be hazardous to your mind." --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 10 January 1997).
Highly recommended.
Available from:
Mark V.Ziesing
P.O.Box 76
Shingletown, CA 96088
Photo of John Shirley
(John Shirley in a punk-rock stance... courtesy of Eyeball Books)
Review of Silicon Embrace by Paula Guran
(published in SF Eye , Issue 15, Fall 1997)