(hardcopy only... current status unknown)
("Underground publication dedicated to inform their readers of new events in the underground community")
(this is not the British publication with the same name... edited by Mark Amerika)
("The zine for lame grrrls and retarded gay boys"... includes links and Quicktime MPEGS)
("A Journal of Postmodern Culture")
("ever evolving converging growing changing slipping dripping interacting jamming experiencing rocking feeling expanding sliding wandering ingesting snoozing enjoying hunting vibrating pushing gathering absorbing rotating pulling breathing"...
is this a zine?... check it)
(edited by Carla Sinclair and Mark Frauenfelder... new edge magazine from San Francisco...
interesting and amusing... the old link included great links to unusual places, but these seem to have diappeared... still, most highly recommended)
(California-based e-zine... "A Quarterly Journal of Borderland Research"... weird science...
available through BBS by telephone at: 707 - 825 7779)
("The Boston Review is a broadly progressive bimonthly journal of culture and politics. It features original short fiction and poetry as well as critical essays, reviews and articles on politics. Past contributors include Joseph Brodsky, Robert Pinsky, Mary Jo Bang, Noam Chomsky and Martha Nussbaum." --Grant Emison, e-mail: emison@mit.edu)
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