*note: There's a lot happening on the Internet, and activity is increasing at a phenomenal rate.
To help you navigate in cyberspace, the following sites provide indexes of extensive &/or interesting links, search facilities, and BBS sites.
Because sites do move sometimes (groan!), we suggest you revise bookmarks to your favorite sites regularly.
If there are any changes in the links listed below, please let me know.
New gateways always welcome.
Alta Vista
(search engine which covers websites and newsgroups... contains option for locating Usenet postings by keywords... also discover which websites have linked to yours...
pretty fast search... recommended)
(search engine...
have included Mark/Space... check it out)
(search engine for locating anonymous FTP sites)
"A venerable and historic resource...very useful." --Henry W.Targowski.
Architecture Virtual Library
(comprehensive architecture links site)
Ask Jeeves
(searches all the other search engines... you can use plain English to ask full questions)
The Asylum
(random links...
madness lies beyond this door)
(intelligent search agent... off-line searching, adapts to your requirements... 60-day free trial, Windows version only)
BBC Net Links
(a pretty good selection of interesting links... tied into their BBC 2 series called "The Net"... quite hip... recommended.)
This site is no longer online, but may return. I've kept the link here just in case it becomes active again.
File under late and lamented. Meanwhile, access the BBC homepage.
*note: There's now a new series (March/April 1998)
(a 'new edge' magazine whose website also includes a listing of where they like to netsurf.... their index covers some really wonderful, strange and unusual territory)
"Reaching spots that others just can't reach... every listing is accompanied by a commentary... and they've got a sense of humor!
"Very enjoyable and highly recommended...
Since moving, however, the links page has seemingly disappeared... here's their late, lamented, and sincerely missed URL: bOING bOING." --Henry W.Targowski.
Bot Spot
(resource site for intelligent search agents... listings, details, reviews)
Cool Site of the Day
(selected and maintained by Glen Davis...
see if you think so too... everyone has their opinion)
(searches Usenet newsgroups... find postings by keywords...
this could be very useful)
(the subculture search engine)
Electronic Newsstand
(search engine for locating online magazines...
a specific research resource)
The Essential Internet Online
(learn the Net)
(search engine... documents, reviews, Usenet, classified ads)
(search engine for travel-oriented information... searches travel sites, visa information, traffic reports, etc.)
Free Agent
(news group search agent... freeware, 16-bit and 32-bit versions)
FTP Search Engine
("It uses some purpose built hardware to do very fast FTP searches, and has a smarter interface than most Archies." --Anthony Staines.)
(links site with search facility)
Global Network Navigator Home Page
(contains Whole Internet Catalog, Best of the Net, and other services... this is the newest URL, perhaps replacing the one below)
GNN's The Whole Internet Catalog
(hierarchical index of Webpages by subject... explains each link before you go there...
let me know if this is still a working link)
(search engine... has largest collection of documents)
The Huge List -- For Adults Only
(major index of sex-related websites)
HyperArchive Keyword Search
(search engine... by keyword)
Internet Agents
(semi-intelligent search agents... Beta version available free)
Internet Information Center
(help files, advice pages... info on IRC, FTP, gopher)
The Internet Movie Database
(this site catalogs and searches internet sites relevant to film and TV... and it conducts an interactive poll on a movie's popularity)
Mirsky's Worst of the Web
(as stated...
eh, mistakes, web-waste, not-on... take heed: do not follow these examples)
Monster FTP Site List
(list of sites from which you can directly download files and software...
useful resource)
The Mother-of-all BBS
(list of Bulletin Board Systems...
an important resource)
Psychedelic Psyberspace
(links page... psychedelics, 60s, music, culture)
(various search engines collected on one page...
similar to All-In-One Internet Search)
Search Magellan
(search engine... has a review system to indicate safe sites for young surfers)
Search UK
(UK-only search engine... let's you use common database commands such as 'and', 'or', 'not')
Sky High Links
(interesting links digest...
Sun Site Northern Europe
(anonymous FTP archive of shareware for every computer... located at Imperial College, London...
download the latest browser versions from here)
(much-used search engine...
reviewed as fast and easy... do you agree?... check it)
Webgrrls! -- Women on the Web
(lots of links to women-related sites on the Internet...
for even more links to women-related pages, click here)
(information gathering software, online intelligent agent... runs a data display window on your screen with continuously updated news, weather, business information, horoscope, etc.)
Web Stalker
("High protein access to the Web. Download it free."... graphic website display)
Web Virtual Library
(research database...
useful resource? check this site... reviews welcome)
WELL Community page
(links to homepages... the San Francisco Bay area network)
World Wide Web Meta-Indexes and Search Tools
(resources... search engines, indexes, link sites...
feedback welcome)
What's New
(with NCSA Mosaic... lists the top 5 new sites each day, plus top 25 for the week)
WWWW - the World Wide Web Worm
(search engine)
(Yellow pages site on the net... contains extensive links to UK websites, businesses, shops)
ZyNet SouthWest Nifty Links
(links to "usual and unusual sites"...
so they say... judge for yourself)
Or to:
(not active yet)