Marc Laidlaw

author, science fiction, cyberpunk, horror, freestyle, humor

Born 19??, ?, US.

"Marc Laidlaw published his first short stories while still a teenager..." [publisher's bumpf, The 37th Mandala , US hbk, February 1996]

"Marc Laidlaw's first published short story, a collaboration with Gregory Benford, was nominated for the Nebula Award. He has also collaborated with Rudy Rucker on a series of stories which collide pop culture with the wilder fringes of mathematical theory..." --Paul J.McAuley, Kim Newman (in the anthology In Dreams , 1992).

"The cyberpunk writers are known for bizarre concepts and a general allegiance to the strange. Marc Laidlaw stands out even in this company. His work is marked by odd leaping juxtapositions, unexpected angles of vision, and a black humor that shades into the ultraviolet. He draws inspiration from a slew of contemporary influences, with a special fondness for all that is mysterious, intuitive, and outré." --Bruce Sterling (in Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology , 1986).

"In my office as Director of the Style Enforcement Agency, I have been responsible for a number of so-called SF pieces, including the novels Dad's Nuke and Neon Lotus . Shorter works in Omni , Issac Asimov's SF Magazine , F & SF , Night Cry , Year's Best SF , New Terrors , Bruce Sterling's Mirrorshades anthology and Dennis Etchison's The Cutting Edge . My work has appeared in Japanese and French. If you have any questions, please file form HAQ-79880 with your local Answering Agency. We trust that the present anthology will follow our guidelines undeviatingly, or suffer the consequences." --Marc Laidlaw (in Semiotext(e) SF 14 , 1989).

"Marc's obsession with style has led him to the position of Chief Ideologue of the 'Freestyle' Movement in SF, a California-based revelation summed up by the slogan, 'Write like yourself, only more so'. Rucker, Kadrey, Blumlein and the marvelous Pat Murphy are self-proclaimed Freestylers, and Marc puts out the Movement fanzine, a handwritten xeroxed sheet." --Peter Lamborn Wilson, Rudy Rucker, Robert Anton Wilson [editors' note in Semiotext(e) SF 14 , 1989]

"Marc Laidlaw has spent most of his adult life in office buildings, writing on company word processors." [publisher's bumpf in Storming the Reality Studio , 1991]

"He is now contributing a cartoon strip to F & SF : a 'Thinking Man's series of revisions of sf and horror B-movies... He is strongly influenced by photography, and he is now working on a new novel, The Secret World of Photographs , co-written with Paul Di Filippo." [publisher's bumpf in New Worlds 2 , 1992]

Lives in San Francisco, California, United States [1986, 1992].

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  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
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  • Postmodern
  • Science Fiction
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  • Virtual Reality / Cyberspace

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