Rudy Rucker

professor, scientist, mathematician, author, physicist, science fiction, cyberpunk, freestyle, transrealism, fourth dimension, artificial life, virtual reality

Full name: Dr Rudolf von Bitter Rucker.
Born 22 March 1946 in Louisville, Kentucky, United States.

B.A. in Mathematics from Swarthmore College.
PH.D. in Mathematical Logic from Rutgers University.

After teaching mathematics at a college in upstate New York, he went on to lecture on the Philosophy of Mathematics at Oxford University and at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science.

"He is the great-great-great-grandson of Hegel, and his first book, Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension , was published by Dover in 1977. Infinity and the Fourth Dimension are his two chief mathematical interests. His influences lie at the interface between mathematics, physics and philosophy. Although trained as a scientist, rock music is important to him, and he was an underground cartoonist in the late '60s". [publisher's bumpf, White Light , 1980]

Co-editor of a scientific journal called Speculations in Science and Technology . His first light-hearted novel, Spacetime Donuts , appeared in an American science fiction magazine in 1978. He has since published stories and articles in various magazines. He has edited an anthology called Speculations on the Fourth Dimension: Selected Writings of C.H.Hinton (Dover-Constable), and another called Mathenauts. He is also co-editor of Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge , and Semiotext(e) SF 14, Volume V, Issue 2 .

He won the first Philip K.Dick Award for his novel Software (1983).

"He claims that he is the leading practitioner of 'Transrealism', a style of fiction in which the writer 'writes about immediate perceptions in a fantastic way'.

"He lives in California and teaches computer science at San Jose State University". [publisher's bumpf, Wetware , 1988]

"Rudy Rucker used to drive a car with giant flames on it". [publisher's bumpf, White Light , 1980]

He is married with three children [1980].

He is currently hacking cellular automata.

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