novel, science fiction , cyberpunk, boppers, artificial intelligence, artificial life, posthuman, transhuman, future
Near future. Book 2 of trilogy: Software , Wetware, Freeware .
"In the beginning the humans built the Boppers. Then the Boppers took over and built themselves. And now the Boppers are making humans.
"With a soft spot in their microchips for Earthlife's info-mix stew, the moo-based robots have worked out how to infuse DNA's wetware with their own software code.
"Result: one whole new lifeform: Manchile , the superhuman meatbop.
"But spreading the seed down on Terra Firma is a problem. Cobb Anderson, who started it all, has to come out of his cold-storage heaven to lend a hand in the interspecies merger.
"After all, we could be talking about a new dawn for cyber-humanity. Which could be fun!" [jacket blurb, US pbk, 1988]
"A fun read." --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 1995).
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