art book, poem, metaphor, identity, death, apocalyptic
Visuals by Dennis Ashbaugh and text by William Gibson. Contains a floppy disc. This is a self-destructing book: images fade, disc crashes. Gibson's text is available on the net.
"A collaboration between author William Gibson, publisher Kevin Begos Jr, and artist Dennis Ashbaugh. This art-work contains engravings by Ashbaugh which appear or disappear in light and an on-disk semi-autobiographical poem by William Gibson which is unreadable after having been read once. Agrippa is notable because in many respects it blurs the lines about what art is, and adds fuel to the fire on issues of property rights and intellectual property. A highlight of 1992 was the release of Gibson's poem on to the net." --Andy Hawks (in FutureCulture FAQ , on the Internet).
*note: a review of this book by Peter Schwenger can be found in: Flame Wars edited by Mark Dery.
Or for the text of Agrippa plus interviews by Marisa Golini and by Darren Wershler-Henry at: