(1984, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
(1990, novel, science fiction, steampunk)
(1992, poem)
"Johnny Mnemonic" by William Gibson
(feature film, science fiction, cyberpunk... see link above)
"Macrochip" by William Gibson and John Shirley
(feature film, science fiction, cyberpunk)
Speech by William Gibson
(a very short speech presented at the Convocation on Technology and Education, National Academy of Sciences, 10 May 1993... in KaspahRaster , #8, October 1993)
Interview with William Gibson by Stephen Lynch
(in Cyber Noodle Soup 3... a sporadic fanzine maintained by Patrick Clark, e-mail: pclark@jjhill.org)
Interview de William Gibson par Giuseppe Salza
(in english)
Neuromancer by William Gibson
(this link connects to an online version of the novel)
Two Readings from The Difference Engine
(contains two excerpts from The Difference Engine : "Lady Ada's Speech on the Modus Program" and "The Grindwell Necropolis"... plus an excerpt from "The Gernsback Continuum" by William Gibson)
William Gibson
(Gibson entry, cyberpunk pages at the University of Idaho)
William Gibson
(site maintained by Sammi Nieminen, e-mail: thefinn@ee.oulu.fi)
William Gibson Homepage
(maintained by Michaela Drapes, e-mail: oleanna@mail.utexas.edu)
William Gibson's Yardshow
(officially sanctioned homepage... slow loading...
*note: this link takes you to the new address... here's the old URL.)
*note: There are many more Gibson-related pages on the Internet... online reviews of specific books are linked under the entries for those titles (see top of this page) and other links under William Gibson's biograph in the Anachron Library. Please let me know if any of the above links have moved or are no longer functional.