*note: The Arcade site (building at far left of this shot) will feature actual games you can play.
[One of the first was to be "All New Gen" by VNS Matrix, a group of Australian cyberchix who I met at the "Terminal Futures" exhibit at the ICA in London (1994)... but I've lost contact].
In the meantime, check Games Domain for lots of links; and Jumbo! for lots of freeware and shareware that you can download.
Ferret Frenzy!
Meridian 59
Stellar Crisis
Battleship on the Web
(fast loading...
OK, so it's not very involved)
(multiplayer game... costs involved: £ 14.95 plus a monthly subscription of £ 6.50 for unlimited play... commercial site)
(a networked space dogfighting game)
(web-based game)
*note: Submit links to noteworthy multiplayer online games and downloadable games... especially freeware or shareware.
Funscape's Casino Royale
Guido's Crapper
Internet Casinos
Rolling Good Times
Virtual Slot Machine
Dead Pool
(bet on who's going to die in the next year...
morbid speculation)
(risk real money!)
(gambling links from a guy who knows too much)
(Lichtenstein lottery... Lotto News : http://www.lottonews.com...
contact: Anton Edwards, e-mail: anton@interlotto.li)
(gambling den)
(gambling links... source of tips, news, and 'methods'...
no betting here)
(not that exciting... why not?)
*note: My advice is don't gamble!
Habitats Home Page
Images of European Infrastructure
MOO Archives
(MUD... Multi-User Domain... new site)
(MUD... from the stables of George Lucas)
(a catalog of online virtual habitats... history, details, previews... MOOs, MUDs, etc.)
"A large collection of artwork by Iebele Abel... imagery with a strong relationship to architecture and human environments"...
uncertain if this is actually a MUD or whatever... sent as a form... let me know what goes on here)
(resource site for 'multi-user object-oriented domains')
Dustin's Sega Saturn Page
The GamePage
Games Domain
Gremlin Interactive
The History of Video Games
The Pinball Archive
Psygnosis Online
Sega Online
Sony PlayStation Home Page
Team 17
Virgin Interactive Entertainment
The Virtual Coin-Op Museum
The Cheat Zone
(game cheat site)
(images, reviews, news, press releases, cheats)
(downloadable games and demos... for PCs)
(dutch site... index...
like Games Domain, but easier to link to)
(comprehensive links site... games, news, reference, random... downloads, yellow pages of game-related sites, jobs listing)
(Dave Stanworth's single-handed effort to provide you with 'the biggest source of information on computer games on the Internet'. Hundreds of links to game-related sites; plus documentation, reviews, shareware, freeware, demos, and competitions...
there's also an US mirror-site and Russian mirror-site)
(games publisher... download screen saver, demos... plus cheats... commercial site)
(resource... employs frames... not a game site)
(games information resource... includes reviews, news, downloads, cheats)
(over 20,085 fully-documented freeware and shareware programs as of August 1995... site built by Jon Conlon...
this is the link to the games section... recommended)
(resource... massive pinball machine database, illustrated...
for collectors... not a game site)
(games publisher... download videos, demos... info on new releases, technical support... commercial site)
(games publisher... games news, live chat... commercial site)
(games publisher... games news, information... commercial site)
(games publisher... online games, downloads... home of "Worms"... commercial site)
(gaming site... online games, downloads, news, technical support... employs Shockwave... commercial site)
(resource... arcade game archive... not a game site)
(British Telecom site for online games... multi-player gaming at a cost: £ 1.25 per hour for evenings and weekends... commercial site)