Anachron Galleries

Although these buildings are still pretty empty, the PopArt Gallery has been completely revamped by Chris Paulen.
I've started working on the CyArt gallery... and there's more original material in the process of being mounted.
(Anachron might be a small town, but it's still a lot to manage.)

*note: These designations are mutable and subject to alter at will.

The newly renovated PopArt Gallery features the work of Chris Paulsen (proprietor) --
Chris is currently inviting submissions... you can e-mail them direct to him

-- The CyArt Gallery featuring the work of Gregory Sams --
The gallery layout is still undergoing development... but do check the computer-generated images now on show

Upcoming will be exhibitions by:

Louis Sarno
(photographs from the Ndoki rainforest)

Ira Cohen
(cultural photographs)

Ron Reid
(photographs of the counterculture in the UK)

As yet, the galleries haven't been formally named yet... if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
While you're waiting, check the Museum for links to exhibitions on our sister planet, earth.

Also, we desperately need to have our own color scanner (A4 size or larger).
If your based in London and can help us with this, please contact me.

In the meantime, you can submit .gif or .jpeg images for consideration, or point us to your web site.

Galleries Elsewhere

*note: If you come across any interesting exhibitions, please let me know.

Send comments, additions, reviews, and contributions to:

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© Anachron Foundation, Mark/Space Interplanetary Review. Page compiled by Henry W.Targowski, with ray-tracing assistance from: Charly Jungbauer; and input from: Rufus Camphausen, Rene Ertzinger