Classics and Archaeology
(links to resources... recommended)
Egyptology Home Page
(index of links to online resources)
(catastrophe theory and impact event explored... interesting work in this field)
(medieval studies)
(join Dan Buettner and a team of explorers on an expedition in Central America... explore ancient ruins)
(ancient Rome explored in 3D)
Vergil's Home Page
(includes transcript of the Aeneid ... plus links to archaeology-related sites)
Field Trips:
Matiu Carr presents some virtual architecture at:
Synergetics Home Page
(Kirby Urner's excellent Buckminster Fuller site on the net)
External Links:
The Interactive Frog Dissection
(our biology teacher cut open a living frog to show us the pumping insides... then, we were given cadavers pickled in formaldehyde to dissect ourselves... now the virtual experience. An alternative site that features similar material can be found in the Virtual Frog Dissection Kit)
As always, you're input is welcome. All contributions fully accredited.
Links will be placed wherever appropriate.
For mind-altering molecules check:
Jolly Rogers Cookbook
Internal pages:
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
(Anachron Library entry... booklist, links to other websites)
Virtual Reality / Cyberspace
(Anachron Library entry... booklist, links to other websites, software)
(Stanford Research Institute homepage... check their telepresence work... especially the teleoperated-surgery)
Beat Scene / Beat Generation / Bohemians
(hipsters take note... domain not actually covered yet... internal page under development)
Dada & Surrealist
(mental fringeware... to be installed in a future issue of Mark/Space)
(authors list... a comprehensive degree course at Anachron City School... including links to further education... internal page)
(page not built yet)
(scholars solicited... this course not yet accredited... internal page to be developed)
(beat, concrete, cyber, dada, surreal)
(a very basic reading list... professors welcome to apply... internal page under development)
Science Fiction
(authors list... an introductory course at Anachron City School... pretty basic fare, with links to higher learning... internal page)
(authors whose books cross genre categories from mainstream to science fiction... internal page)
Physics Around the World
(links site)
Under construction. Links welcome.
Do It
("Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking & Technology"... online internet lessons)
(there's a lot to check at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology... cybernauts take note)
Open University
(UK-based distance learning)
Sonoma State University
(do check their...)
Virtual High School
(choose your own subjects and mentors... based in Canada)
Education Internet Resources
(links site)
European Schools Project
(collaboration among schools in europe... information and advice)
Resources on Education
(South Bank University... contacts and information)
School Net UK
(subject-oriented... lists school Web pages and e-mail addresses)