Iain Sinclair
- An Explanation
(1963, play: with Christopher Bamford; produced in Dublin)
- Chords
(1964, play: with Christopher Bamford; produced in Dublin)
- Back Garden Poems
(1970, verse)
- The Kodak Mantra Diaries (Alan Ginsberg in London)
(1971, verse)
- Muscat's Würm
(1972, verse)
- The Birth Rug
(1973, verse)
- Lud Heat
(1975, verse: see Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge,
- Brown Clouds
(1977, verse)
- The Penances
(1977, verse)
- Suicide Bridge
(1979, verse: see Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge,
- Fluxions
(1983, verse)
- Flesh Eggs and Scalp Metal
(1983, verse)
- Autistic Poses
(1985, verse)
- White Chappell
Scarlet Tracings
(1987, novel)
- Flesh Eggs and Scalp Metal: selected poems (1970-87)
(1989, verse selection)
- Downriver (or, The Vessels of Wrath)
(1991, novel)
- The Shamanism of Intent: some flights of redemption
(1991, essay / exhibition catalogue, Goldmark Gallery, Uppingham)
- Jack Elam's Other Eye
(1991, verse)
- Radon Daughters
(1994, novel)
- Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge
(1995, collected verse... Introduction by Michael Moorcock)
- Conductors of Chaos
(1996, poetry anthology edited and introduced by Iain Sinclair)
- Lights Out for the Territory
(1997, reportage: with photographs and illustrations by Marc Atkins)
- Slow Chocolate Autopsy: Incidents from the Notorious Career of Norton, Prisoner of London
(1997, short stories, illustrated by Dave McKean...Phoenix House / Orion, London, UK, pbk, ISBN 1-861-59088-1)
Also See
- A Various Art edited by Andrew Crozier and Tim Longville
(1987, anthology published by Carcanet Press ... contains 14
poems by Iain Sinclair)
- The New British Poetry (1968-88) edited by Gillian Allnut, Fred D'aguiar, Ken Edwards and Eric Mottram
(1988, anthology published by Paladin ... contains five poems
by Iain Sinclair)
- The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson
(1990 edition of 1908 novel published by Grafton... includes: "Blowing Dust in the House of Incest: an Aberrant Afterword" by Iain Sinclair)
- Carnacki the Ghost-Finder by William Hope Hodgson
(1991 edition of 1910 story collection published by Grafton... includes: "Vibrations in a Vacuum: Carnacki - An Afterword" by Iain Sinclair)
- New Writing 2 edited by Malcolm Bradbury and Andrew Motion
(1993, anthology published by Minerva... contains two poems
by Iain Sinclair)
- Brought to Book edited by Paul Hammond and Ian Breakwell
(1994, anthology of pieces on the power of the book, published by Penguin... with a contribution by Iain Sinclair)
- Well Sorted: The London Short Story Collection 2 edited by The London Arts Board
(1996, anthology published by Serpent's Tail ... contains: "The Apotheosis of Lea Bridge Road" by Iain Sinclair)
- It's Dark in London edited by Oscar Zarate
(1996, a compilation of graphic short (crime) stories published by Serpent's Tail ... with a contribution by Iain Sinclair)
- A Book of Two Halves edited by Nicholas Royle
(1996, an anthology of football stories published by Gollancz... contains: "Hardball" by Iain Sinclair)
- Penguin Modern Poets: Vol 10 by Douglas Oliver, Denise Riley, and Iain Sinclair
(1996, a collection of poetry by three writers whose work is often linked by critics. Work by Oliver and Riley is included in Sinclair's anthology, Conductors of Chaos )
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