(1962, novel?, , science fiction)
The Drowned World
(1962, novel, science fiction)
(1962, short stories, science fiction)
The Voices of Time and Other Stories
(1962, short stories, science fiction)
Passport to Eternity
(1963, short stories)
The Four-Dimensional Nightmare
(1963, short stories, science fiction)
Terminal Beach
(1964, short stories, science fiction)
The Terminal Beach
(1964, short stories, science fiction... different edition)
The Drought
(1964, novel, science fiction)
The Drowned World & The Wind from Nowhere
(1965, omnibus edition, 2 novels, science fiction)
The Crystal World
(1966, novel, science fiction)
The Impossible Man
(1966, short stories, science fiction)
The Overloaded Man
(1967, short stories, science fiction)
The Day of Forever
(1967, short stories, science fiction)
The Disaster Area
(1967, short stories, science fiction)
"Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Regan"
(1968, chapbook, slipstream)
The Atrocity Exhibition
(1970, novel, science fiction... condensed novels)
Vermilion Sands
(1971, short stories, science fiction)
Chronopolis and Other Stories
(1971, short stories, science fiction)
Love and Napalm: Export USA
(1972, novel, science fiction... condensed novels... US title for The Atrocity Exhibition )
(1973, novel, slipstream)
Concrete Island
(1974, novel, science fiction)
The Voices of Time [The Four-Dimensional Nightmare]
(1974, short stories, science fiction)
High Rise
(1975, ?, , science fiction)
Low Flying Aircraft
(1976, short stories, science fiction)
The Best of J. G. Ballard
(1977, short stories, science fiction)
The Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard
(1978, short stories, science fiction)
The Unlimited Dream Company
(1979, ?, science fiction)
The Venus Hunters
(1980, short stories, science fiction)
Hello America
(1981, novel, science fiction)
Myths of the Near Future
(1982, short stories, science fiction)
Empire of the Sun
(1984, novel, mainstream)
The Day of Creation
(1987, novel, mainstream)
Memories of the Space Age
(1988, short stories, science fiction...Arkham House, US)
Running Wild
(1988, novel, mainstream)
The Kindness of Women
(1991, novel, mainstream)
Rushing to Paradise
(1994, novel...Flamingo, London, UK)
A User's Guide to the Millennium: Essays and Reviews
(1996, non-fiction, cultural criticism)
Also See
- Connoisseur's Science Fiction edited by Tom Boardman
(1964, anthology...Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, UK... contains: "Build-up" by J.G.Ballard)
- Cyber-Killers edited by Ric Alexander
(1997, anthology...Orion, London, UK, hbk, ISBN 0-75280-783-8... contains: "Zone of Terror" by J.G.Ballard)
- RE/Search #8/9: J.G.Ballard edited by ?
(19??, interviews, biography, essays, bibliography, illustrated...RE/Search Publications, US)
- Semiotext(e) SF 14, Volume V, Issue 2 edited by Peter Lamborn Wilson, Rudy Rucker, Robert Anton Wilson
(1989, anthology... contains: "Jane Fonda's Augmentation Mammoplasty" and "Report on an Unidentified Space Station" by J.G.Ballard)
- Storming the Reality Studio edited by Larry McCaffery
(1991, anthology... contains: an excerpt from Crash by J.G.Ballard)
Audio-Visual Material
(1996, Canada, feature film... directed by David Cronenburg... based on the 1973 novel by J.G.Ballard... check the official film site, which includes interviews with J.G.Ballard and David Cronenberg)
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