Kathy Acker
(19??, 1st novel)
The Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula
(19??, novel... book 1 of trilogy)
I Dreamt I Was a Nymphomaniac: Imagining!
(19??, novel... book 2 of trilogy)
The Adult Life of Toulouse-Lautrec
(1975, novel... book 3 of trilogy)
Kathy Goes to Haiti
(1978, novel)
Great Expectations
(198?, novel)
Don Quixote, Which Was a Dream
(198?, novel)
Blood and Guts in High School
(1984, novel)
Empire of the Senseless
(1988, novel, UK edition)
Young Lust
(1988, omnibus edition)
In Memoriam to Identity
(1990, narratives)
Portrait of an Eye
(1992, omnibus edition)
My Mother: Demonology
(1995, novel)
Pussy, King of the Pirates
(1995, novel)
Bodies of Work
(1997, non-fiction, essays, cultural studies...Serpent's Tail, New York, US, pbk, ISBN 1-85242-425-7)
Kathy Acker, Freddie Baer, Diane DiMassa
(1995, short fiction, chapbook...AK Press, San Francisco, California, US, pbk, ISBN 1-873176-63-5... illustrated by Diane DiMassa and Freddie Baer... extract from Pussy, King of the Pirates by Kathy Acker)
Articles / Essays
Also See
- The New Storytellers by Anne Hart
(1997, non-fiction... this link leads to an excerpt from the book... includes reference to Kathy Acker)
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