Mark Leyner
(1983, ?)
American Made
(19??, ?)
My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist
(1990, novel, slipstream, cyberpunk)
Et Tu, Babe
(1992, novel)
I Was an Infinitely Hot and Dense Dot
(199?, ?)
Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog
(199?, ?)
The Tetherballs of Bougainville
(1997, novel...Harmony Books, New York, US, hbk, ISBN 0-517-70101-4)
*note: Could someone please supply the missing publishing dates, nature of book, whether originally published in hardback or paperback, and original publisher.
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*note: Please let me know of any Mark Leyner wepages (include page Title, URL, and a brief Description).
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