(1988, short fiction...Wordcraft of Oregon, La Grande, Oregon, US chapbook)
Red Spider White Web
(1990, novel)
The Bell Factory
(199?, novel... sequel to Red Spider White Web ... *note: uncertain if published)
Dr Ihoka's Cure
(1993, non-fiction)
(spring 1994, prose poems, short fiction...Wordcraft of Oregon, La Grande, Oregon, US pbk)
(199?, novel... forthcoming)
*note: The links to individual book entries have changed. If you've linked directly to those entries, please change the URLs accordingly.
Also See
- Storming the Reality Studio edited by Larry McCaffery
(1991, anthology... contains: "Wire Movement #9" and "Wire for Two Tims", prose poems by Misha)
- Looking Glass Anthology of Native American Writers edited by Clifford E. Trafzer
(19??, anthology... contains: "The Stone Badger" by Misha)
- Blue Dawn, Red Earth: New Native American Storytellers edited with an introduction by Clifford E. Trafzer
(1996, anthology...Anchor Books, ISBN: 0-385-47952-2... contains: "Memekwesiw" by Misha)
- An Illuminated History of the Future edited by Curtis White
(19??, anthology...Illinois State University/Fiction Collective Two, ISBN: 0-932511-25-2... contains: "The Koi" by Misha which also appears in Prayers of Steel )
- Innovations, Anthology of Contemporary Literature edited by ?
(19??, anthology... contains: "Mudhead" by Misha)
- Unter Die Haut Anthology of Five Women Writers edited by ?
(19??, anthology... contains: "The Angel of Hearth and Home" by Misha)
- Witness Anthology of Experimental Fiction edited by ?
(19??, anthology... contains: "Chippoke Na Gomi" by Misha)
- "Julian He-Crow Discovers the Writing Between the Molecules" by Don Webb, Misha
(in Rampike , Vol.7, No.3, 1992)
Additional Links
Misha Webpage
("I have my own mini-page with the text of one of her poems and pics of her." --Elyce Helford.)
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