Robert Anton Wilson
(1973, non-fiction)
The Sex Magicians
(1974, non-fiction)
The Book of the Breast
(1976, non-fiction)
Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati
(1977, non-fiction, essays)
The Universe Next Door
(1979, novel... book 1 'Schrödinger's Cat' trilogy)
The Illuminati Papers
(1980, nonfiction, essays)
The Trick Top Hat
(1981, novel... book 2 'Schrödinger's Cat' trilogy)
The Homing Pigeons
(1981, novel... book 3 'Schrödinger's Cat' trilogy)
Masks of the Illuminati
(1981, novel)
Right Where You Are Sitting Now
(1982, non-fiction, essays)
Cosmic Trigger 2
(198?, non-fiction)
The Earth Will Shake
(1982, novel... book 1 of trilogy)
Prometheus Rising
(1983, non-fiction)
The Widow's Son
(1985, novel... book 2 of trilogy)
Nature's God
(1989, novel... book 3 of trilogy)
Ishtar Rising
(19??, ?)
The New Inquisition
(19??, non-fiction)
Quantum Psychology
(19??, ?)
Sex & Drugs: A Journey Beyond Limits
(19??, non-fiction)
Natural Law, or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy
(19??, ?)
Wilhelm Reich in Hell
(1987, play... comedy, tragedy)
Coincidence: A Head Test
(1991, non-fiction...Falcon Press, US, pbk)
Cosmic Trigger Volume III: My Life After Death
(199?, non-fiction)
Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea
- Illuminatus: The Eye in the Pyramid
(1975, novel... conspiracy... book 1 'Illuminatus' trilogy)
Illuminatus: The Golden Apple
(1975, novel... conspiracy... book 2 'Illuminatus' trilogy)
Illuminatus: Leviathan
(1975, novel... conspiracy... book 3 'Illuminatus' trilogy)
Robert Anton Wilson (editor)
- Chaos and Beyond: The Best of Trajectories
(19??, anthology... psychology, absurdity, technology, etc.)
(1989, anthology... cyberpunk, science fiction)
*note: Please let me know the missing publishing information (date of original publication, publisher, and whether hardcover or paperback, fiction or non-fiction).
Online Texts
Audio-Visual Material
Secrets Of Power by Robert Anton Wilson
(1986, LP...Illuminated, AMA 23... recorded Friday 24th January 1986, Chelsea Town Hall, London, 7:30pm, and Sunday 23rd February 1986, Old Barn Studios, 11:30pm... produced by Nigel Bagley, engineered by John Edmed, cover photograph by Duncan Harvey)
Big Sur Tapes
("We have a couple of audio tapes by Wilson recorded at Esalen Institute currently available and more that will become available from our archive" --Janica Fox Anderson, e-mail:
Book Reviews by Robert Anton Wilson
"Eyes in the Sky" by Robert Anton Wilson
(published in Science Fiction Review , Volume 5, Number 3, Issue 18, August 1976... a review of The Invisible College by Jacques Vallee, E.P.Dutton, US)
Also See
- Communication With Higher Intelligence edited by Timothy Leary
(Fall 1977, magazine, Spit In the Ocean , Number 3... contains: "The Higher Intelligence Quiz" by Robert Anton Wilson)
- Free Space edited by Brad Linaweaver and Edward E.Kramer
(July 1997, anthology...Tor, New York, US, hbk, ISBN 0-312-85957-0... contains: the 1997 short poem "Free at Last" by Robert Anton Wilson)
- Three-Fisted Tales of Bob edited by Reverend Ivan Stang
(1990, anthology... contains: the short story "The Horror on Howth Hill" by Robert Anton Wilson...
"the complete text is available online at the official website of the Church of the Subgenius" --Pope Paisley Lemming.)
*note: Please let me know of any other anthologies that feature work by RAW.
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