ISBN ? (US pbk),,, 0-907080-01-4 (UK pbk)
novel, science fiction , mathematics
"What is Cantor's continuum problem? Where is Cimon? What is Truckee? Who lives in Hilbert's Hotel? What happens when you see the White Light?
"It's not just a mathematical ghost story, it's not only a zany fantasy and science fiction tale, it's more than a metaphysical thriller, it's different, everything and much more, it's 'White Light'." [jacket blurb, UK pbk, 1980]
"Rudy Rucker restored my personal faith in SF as a literature of ideas with his White Light , a melding of tantrism and Cantorian math set in a dreamscape worthy of collaboration between Tristan Tzara and Harold Lloyd." --Peter Lamborn Wilson (in Semiotext(e) SF 14 , 1989).