"Virtual Professional Community: Results from the MediaMOO Project" by Amy Bruckman and Mitchel Resnick
(199?, non-fiction)
"Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities" by Pavel Curtis
(199?, non-fiction... available via anonymous ftp...
"general introduction to LambdaMOO and MUDding." --Sherry Turkle.)
"The Psychodynamic Effects of Virtual Reality" by Leslie Harris
(abstract, published in The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture 2, 1, February 1994...
available online -- could someone send me both the URL for the abstract and for the journal itself)
The Computer That Ate Hollywood
(1998, documentary, installment of BBC 2 Horizon series... first aired thursday 30 April 1998, 21:30, UK... big-screen SFX, computer special effects, virtual reality)
Lawnmower Man
(199?, feature film, US... starring: Jeff Fahey)
Virtual Slide
(1998, episode of the television series 'Sliders')
"Is it real or virtual? A real mind boggler." --Henry W.Targowski.
(1997, television series... starring: Lori Singer... executive producer on at least one episode, John Shirley)
*note: This section has moved to its own page.
Meredith Bricken
(VR developer, MOOs...
e-mail: meredith@aol.com)
Tom Erickson
(e-mail: ?... )
Kim Michael Fairchild
(e-mail: fair@iss.nus.sg... )
Dan Farmer
(ray-tracer, member of the POV-Ray team...
e-mail: ?...
website: Dan Farmer's Home Page)
Brian R.Gardner
(e-mail: gardner@apple.com...)
Sandra K.Helsel
(e-mail: san@well.sf.ca.us...)
Linda Jacobson
(author, VR developer...
e-mail: lindaj@sgi.com...
website: http://www.sgi.com/virtual_reality)
Dale Kirby
(VRML, website designer...
e-mail: da5e@rain.org... )
Myron W.Krueger
(VR developer...
e-mail: ?...)
Lutz Kretzschmar
(software engineer... author of Moray, ray-tracing software...
e-mail: 100023.2006@CompuServe.com...
website: http://www.stmuc.com/moray)
Michael W.McGreevy
(e-mail: mcgreevy@eos.arc.nasa.gov... )
Farid Mheir
(e-mail: farid@montreal.com...
website: Virtual Cities Repository)
Stuart Moulthrop
(e-mail: sm51@prism.gatech.edu... )
Howard Rheingold
e-mail: hlr@well.com)
Eduard Schwan
(Ray-tracing, author...
e-mail: esp@gryphonsw.com...
website: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/espsw/)
Alan Wexelblat
(VR developer, author...
e-mail: wex@media.mit.edu...
website: Alan Wexelblat Homepage)
Lightscape Gallery
(some truly spectacular VRML images here... check it!)
(3D computer animation at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA)
Virtual Reality
(Anachron Library entry... definition, plus external links to crucial VR websites)
("...foundation of what will be a comprehensive resource for VR developers." --Linda Jacobson.)
Virtual Worlds
(resource... listing of virtual worlds, information, systems, reviews)
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