Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Japan, 1989
67 minutes, b/w, japanese language
directed by Shinya Tsukamoto

movie, cult , art film, science fiction, near future, cyberpunk, mutation

Presented by the Kaijyu Theatre.
Special effects by Shinya Tsukamoto.
Photography by Shinya Tsukamoto & Kei Fujiwara.
Screenplay/Art Director/Lighting/Editor: Shinya Tsukamoto.
Music by Chu Ishikawa.

Tomoroh Taguchi, Kei Fujiwara, Shinya Tsukamoto.

"Tetsuo: The Iron Man has inspired comparison with the work of Lynch and Cronenberg. Elements and themes from Manga, Western sci-fi, and Godzilla are combined in a violent array of flashbacks, fast-forwards and nightmarish dream sequences. The action centres around a young metal fetishist who tries to insert pieces of metal into his own skin. Running out into the street he is knocked down by a car. The accident gives him strange powers and his body begins to painfully mutate into a synergy of flesh and metal. Meanwhile, the salaryman who ran him down finds his own body is also transforming into a metallic monster...

"This bizarre surreal fantasy mixes black humour and sexual imagery with a hypnotic post-industrial soundtrack. Tetsuo is like nothing you will have seen before". [video blurb, UK release]

"Tetsuo: The Iron Man is primal 21st Century cinema, a pure manga sensibility transferred to the screen with gorgeously deranged energy. Shinya Tsukamoto is a genuinely visionary film-maker". --William Gibson.

"A bizarre wet dream, a horrifying sex death -- and ghastly special effects. Unmissable!" --(in Time Out ).

"Very very weird, bizarre and disturbing. Could easily be the strangest film I've ever seen. A must for any archive of cult films". --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 1994).

Highly recommended.

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Of Related Interest

  • Art
  • Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Life / Robotics
  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
  • Hong Kong Cinema
  • Manga
  • Pacific Rim
  • Theater
  • Science Fiction

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