Akbar Del Piombo
(1955, novel, erotica...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
(1956?, novel, erotica...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
The Traveller's Companion
(1957?, 2 novellas, erotica...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk... contains: A Crumbling Facade , I Have Come Back )
Cosimo's Wife or The Vengeance of a Duke
(1955, novel, erotica...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
The Double-Bellied Companion
(1955?, 2 novellas, erotica...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk... originally published as The Traveller's Companion )
The Fetish Crowd
(1965, 3 novels, erotica, omnibus edition...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk, no.73... a trilogy: Paula the Piquôse , Duke Cosimo , The Double-Bellied Companion )
The House in Lodz
(1969, novel, erotica, surreal, science fiction, protocyberpunk...Olympia Press, New York, US, pbk)
Into the Harem
(1970, novel, erotica...Olympia Press, New York, US, pbk... originally published as Skirts )
Akbar Del Piombo, Norman Rubington
- Fuzz Against Junk: The Saga of the Narcotics Brigade
(1959, collage book, humor...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
The Hero Maker
(1960, collage book, humor...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
The Boiler Maker
(196?, collage book, humor...Olympia Press, Paris, France, pbk)
*note: Akbar Del Piombo is one of my favorite authors. His books are always humorous and eccentric.
There is some confusion over the publishing dates. I hope to develop this page over time. Any help with this would be appreciated.
- Biograph -- Akbar Del Piombo / Norman Rubington
Also See
- The Good Ship Venus: The Erotic Voyage of the Olympia Press by John De St Jorre
(1994, non-fiction...Hutchinson... history of Olympia Press... cover drawing and chapter head drawings by Norman Rubington... the book is also dedicated to: "Norman Rubington and his alter ego, 'Akbar del Piombo'"...
"There's a bibliography of Olympia Press books appended, but it only covers the Paris editions." --Henry W.Targowski.)
- The Paris Olympia Press edited by Patrick J Kearney
(19??, annotated bibliography...Black Spring Press, London, UK, hbk, ISBN 0-948238-02-X... introductions by Maurice Girodias and Patrick J Kearney)
- Zazie dans le Metro by Raymond Queneau
(1959, novel...Olympia Press, Paris, France... translated into English by Akbar Del Piombo and Eric Kahane...
for more information about little girls in literature, check the Little Girls website, which covers Zazie , Lolita , The Wizard of Oz screenplay, etc.)
Additional Links
("This is an interview with Maurice." --Christina Ward.)
"The Next Man to Go"
(An interview with 'Accursed Publisher' Maurice Girodias by Mike Golden... with biographical recap...
"Olympia Press publisher tells a few tales... recommended." --Henry W.Targowski.)
"Photos of Maurice Girodias"
("These are pictures of Girodias as a child." --Christina Ward.)
"Obscenity" by ?
(19??, article)
"This is an article that is more about the Beat writers but has a nice appendix on Olympia and her writers." --Christina Ward.
"Virtual Author" by Brian Bouldrey
(a review of Virtual Death by 'Shale Aaron', in the SF Bay Guardian ... mentions Akbar del Piombo, but gets it all wrong)
"I don't know how this guy could print so many errors. This article is frought with misinformation, so beware!" --Henry W.Targowski.
*note: I'm interested in links to Akbar Del Piombo and to Olympia Press. With special thanks to Christina Ward, who shares a similar interest.
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