Jean Baudrillard
(1975, non-fiction, english edition)
For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign
(1972, non-fiction)
Forget Foucault
(1977, non-fiction)
The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture
(1983, non-fiction, english edition)
(1981, non-fiction... english version, 1983...Semiotext(e), New York, US... english translation by Paul Foss, Paul Patton, and Philip Beitchman)
In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities
(1983, non-fiction)
Simulacra and Simulations
(1985, non-fiction...Galilee Books, France... original french title: Simulacre et Simulation )
The Ecstasy of Communication
(1988, non-fiction, english edition)
Xerox and Infinity
(1988, non-fiction, UK)
(1986, non-fiction, US)
Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings
(1988, non-fiction...Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, US... edited by Mark Poster)
Cool Memories
(1990, non-fiction, US)
(1990, non-fiction, US)
Fatal Strategies
(1990, non-fiction, UK)
Revenge of the Crystal
(1990, non-fiction, UK)
- Biograph -- Jean Baudrillard
Online Texts
Also See
Additional Links
Baudrillard on the Web
(Internet link site)
C-Theory edited by Arthur Kroker and Marilouis Kroker
(online magazine... electronic review of books on theory, technology, culture... contains: several essays by Baudrillard...
*note: new URL... original link was: C-Theory )
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