Karen Joy Fowler
Peripheral Vision
(1990, short stories...Pulphouse Publishing, Eugene, Oregon, US, pbk... Author's Choice Monthly #6)
Sarah Canary
(1991, novel, western, slipstream)
The Sweetheart Season
(1996, novel, postmodern, slipstream...Henry Holt, US, hbk, ISBN 0-8050-4737-9... late 1940s, female baseball team, memory)
Black Glass
(1998, 15 short stories...Holt, US, ISBN 0-8050-5557-6, hbk... includes all of Peripheral Vision )
(1991, short stories, slipstream)
*note: Please let me know of any subsequent books by Karen Joy Fowler (include full book title, publishing date, publisher, category).
- Biograph -- Karen Joy Fowler
Short Fiction
"The Elizabeth Complex" by Karen Joy Fowler
(short story, first published in Crank! 6, April 1996... finalist for the 1997 Nebula Award for Best Short Story)
*note: This listing is just beginning. Meanwhile, check Peripheral Vision , Letters From Home , and Black Glass for other short fiction by Karen Joy Fowler. (Black Glass contains the entire contents of Peripheral Vision and her contribution to Letters From Home plus 2 original stories.)
Also See
- Paragons edited by Robin Scott Wilson
(1996, anthology... contains: ? by Karen Joy Fowler)
Additional Links
"Interview with Karen Joy Fowler"
(in Locus , Issue 368, ? 1991)
The Sweetheart Season by Karen Joy Fowler
(reviewed by Kathleen Ann Goonan, in SF Eye , Issue #15, Fall 1997)
*note: Please let me know of any webpages concerning Karen Joy Fowler (include URL, page Title, Author, and brief Description). Specific reviews will eventually be linked to individual book entries.
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