Thomas E.Kennedy (fiction)
(1990, novel...Watermark, US, pbk)
A Weather of the Eye
(1996, novel...Potpourri, US, pbk)
Unreal City
(1996, short stories, collection...Wordcraft of Oregon, La Grande, Oregon, US, pbk, ISBN 1-877655-17-1)
The Book of Angels
(1997, novel, thriller...Wordcraft of Oregon, La Grande, Oregon, US, pbk, ISBN 1-877655-23-6)
Drive Dive Dance & Fight
(1997, short stories, collection...BkMk, Kansas City, Missouri, US, pbk, ISBN 1-886157-14-6)
Thomas E.Kennedy (non-fiction)
- Andre Dubus: A Study of the Short Fiction
(199?, literary criticism)
The American Short Story Today
(199?, literary criticism)
An Index to American Award Stories, 1970-90
(199?, literary criticism)
Robert Coover: A Study of the Short Fiction
(1992, literary criticism...Macmillan, US)
Thomas E.Kennedy, Frank Hugus (editors)
(1995, short stories, anthology...Dalkey Archives Press, US pbk)
Thomas E.Kennedy (editor)
(199?, short stories, anthology)
- Biograph -- Thomas E.Kennedy
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