Alfred Jarry
- Minutes de Sable Mémorial
(1894, non-fiction, poetry...Mercure de France, France, 1894... *note: very small print run)
Ubu Roi
(1896, non-fiction, stage play...Mercure de France, Paris, France... humor, pataphysics, scandal)
Days and Nights: Journal of a Deserter
(1897, novel, autobiographical, military service...Alfred Vallette, France)
Visits of Love
(May 1898, novel...Pierre Fort, France, 1898)
Absolute Love
(1???, novel... uncertain of this title: "Jarry's next novel Absolute Love , a re-writing of the New Testament around the theme of incest" --Alastair Brotchie.)
(1901, novel...Revue Blanche, France, 1901... historical, esoteric, erotic)
The Supermale
(1902, novel... first published in French as Le Surmâle ... US edition: translated into English by Ralph Gladstone and Barbara Wright, Introduction by Barbara Wright)
Ubu Cocu
(1944, stage play...Trois Collines, Geneva, Switzerland, 1944... humor, pataphysics)
Oeuvres Poétiques
(1???, poetry... poems, songs, poetic prose)
Selected Works of Alfred Jarry
(1965, stage plays, writings, letters, essays, poems... edited by Roger Shattuck and Simon Watson Taylor... Introduction by Roger Shattuck)
The Ubu Plays
(19??, stage plays...Methuen edition translated by Cyril Connolly and Simon Watson Taylor)
Caesar Antichrist
(19??, fiction...Atlas Press edition translatd by Anthony Melville)
Exploits and Opinions of Dr Faustroll, Pataphysician
(19??, fiction)
Alfred Jarry, Remy de Gourmont (editors)
(1896, magazine)
Also Check
- Alfred Jarry d'Ubu roi au Docteur Faustroll by Noel Arnaud
(1974, non-fiction...La Table Ronde, France)
- Alfred Jarry: Oeuvres complêtes edited by Michel Arrive
(1972...Gallimard, France)
- Alfred Jarry, ou le Surmâle de Lettres by Rachilde
(1928, non-fiction, biography...Grasset, France)
*note: Rachilde was the wife of the publisher Alfred Vallette, author of erotica, and Jarry's long-term friend.
- The Banquet Years by Roger Shattuck
(19??, non-fiction, biographies... this book is divided into three sections, devoted respectively to Alfred Jarry, Eric Satie, and Henri Rousseau)
"Very enjoyable, biographical anecdotes about three really eccentric artists who ushered in the 20th century. Jarry on his bicycle, cruising the boulevards of Paris, dueling pistols at hand, thumbing his nose at the bourgeoisie. Satie composing his 'furniture music', with a closet full of identical velvet suits. 'Douanier' Rousseau, the customs man, naïve painter of animals and forest.
"Of the three, Jarry was by far the most influential. Pataphysician, symbolist poet, scandalous playright, experimental author, visionary artist, translator (from English and German), engraver, and social critic...madly inspired precursor to the theatre of the absurd, midwife to dada, godfather to surrealism, and avant-garde to postmodern literature. A real hipster in the bohemian tradition, Jarry would have felt at home in the 'pads' of the beat generation, on the road with Neal Cassady, collaborating with William Burroughs...familiar with the psychedelia of the counterculture, the stance of punk, and the future-thrust of cyberculture. A true icon of the 20th century.
"Highly recommended." --Henry W.Targowski.
- Les Cultures de Jarry by Henri Behar
(1988, non-fiction...P.U.F., France)
- Evergreen Review
(No.13, May/June 1960... US magazine: the 'Pataphysics' issue)
"A contemporary collectors 'classic'... essential document." --Henry W.Targowski.
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