Jack Kerouac
(1950, novel, mainstream... big city blues)
On the Road
(1957, novel... written in 1951... beat scene, beat genertion, Neal Cassady)
Visions of Cody
(195?, novel... beat scene, beat generation, Neal Cassady)
The Dharma Bums
(1958, novel... written in 1958... beat scene, beat generation)
The Subterraneans
(1958, novel... written in 1953... beat scene, beat generation)
Mexico City Blues (242 Choruses)
(1959, poetry...City Lights Books, San Francisco, California, US... written in 1955... beat scene, beat generation)
Maggie Cassidy: A Love Story
(1959, novel... written in 1953... beat scene, beat generation)
Dr Sax
(1959, novel... written in 1952... beat scene, beat generation)
(1960, novel... written in 1956... beat scene, beat generation)
Lonesome Traveller
(1960, novel... written in 1960... beat scene, beat generation)
San Francisco Blues
(196?, poetry...City Lights Books, San Francisco, California, US)
Book of Dreams
(1961, dream transcripts...City Lights Books, San Francisco, California, US... written 1952-1960)
Wake Up
(196?, novel)
Springtime Mary
(196?, novel)
Big Sur
(1962, novel... written in 1960)
Visions of Gerard
(1963, novel... written in 1956)
Desolation Angels
(1965, novel... beat scene, beat generation)
Satori in Paris
(1966, novel... written in 1965... beat scene, beat generation)
The Vanity of Duluoz
(1968... written in 1968... beat scene, beat generation)
(1971, novel... mixed race child)
Scriptures of the Golden Eternity
(197?, poetry... written in 1956)
Scattered Poems
(1971, poetry...City Lights Books, San Francisco, California, US)
Heaven and Other Poems
(19??, poetry)
Pomes All Sizes
(19??, poetry... contains: an Introduction by Allen Ginsberg)
Book of Blues
(1995... contains: an Introduction by Robert Creeley)
Good Blonde and Others
(19??, ?)
Safe in Heaven Dead
(19??, ?)
Some of the Dharma
(19??, ?)
AudioVisual Material
- Heartbeat
(19??, feature film, ?? minutes... based on the autobiography by Carolyn Cassady... Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac)
- Kerouac
(19??, video, biopic, ?? minutes... directed by Antonelli)
- Kerouac: Kicks Joy Darkness
(19??, audio CD, ?? minutes... includes tributes by Patti Smith, Lydia Lunch, Hunter S.Thompson, William S.Burroughs)
- Mexico City Blues
(19??, 2 audio cassettes, ?? minutes... read by Allen Ginsberg)
- On the Road
(19??, audio cassette, ?? minutes... read by David Carradine)
- Pull My Daisy
(19??, documentary, experimental film, ?? minutes... directed by Robert Frank... features: Jack Kerouac)
- Romnibus: The Ultimate Multimedia Exploration of the Beat Generation
(19??, CD-ROM... features: Jack Kerouac among others)
Books About Jack Kerouac
- Heart Beat: My Life with Jack & Neal by Carolyn Cassady
(199?, non-fiction, autobiography... Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac)
- Jack Kerouac by William S.Burroughs and Claude Pelieu
(1971, non-fiction, biography... L'Herne, Paris, France)
- Jack Kerouac: Angel Headed Hipster by Steve Turner
(19??, non-fiction, biography)
- Jack Kerouac: A Biography by Ann Charters
(19??, non-fiction, biography... contains: a Foreword by Allen Ginsberg)
- Jack Kerouac: A Biography by Tom Clark
(19??, non-fiction, biography)
- Jack Kerouac: The Bootleg Era by Rod Anstef
(19??, non-fiction, reference, annotated listing)
- Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters 1940-1956 edited by Ann Charters
(199?, non-fiction, correspondence...Penguin, US)
"Interesting insight, all the letters he wrote to the other beats and to his family." --cormac.
- Kerouac's Crooked Road: The Development of a Fiction by Tom Clark
(19??, non-fiction... contains: a Foreword by Ann Charters)
- The Kerouac We Knew: Unopposed Portraits; Action Shots compiled by John Montgomery
(19??, non-fiction, biography)
- Lowell Connector: Lines and Shots from Kerouac's Town by Clark Coolidge, et al
(19??, non-fiction, anthology)
- Memory Babe: A Critical Biography of Jack Kerouac by Gerald Nicosia
(19??, non-fiction, biography... translated into French by Elisabeth Vonarburg as Memory Babe, une biographie critique de Jack Kerouac )
- The Portable Jack Kerouac edited by Ann Charters
(19??, collection)
Also See
- The Beat Generation by Bruce Cook
(1971, non-fiction, anthology, essays... social history)
- The Beat Generation Writers edited by A.Robert Lee
(1996, non-fiction, anthology, critical essays...Pluto Press, London, UK... contains: the essay "'I'm only a jolly storyteller': Jack Kerouac's On The Road and Visions of Cody " by R.J.Ellis)
- The Beats by Seymour Krim
(1960, anthology... contains: "Three Excerpts from Visions of Cody " by Jack Kerouac)
- The Beat Scene edited by Elias Wilentz
(1960, anthology...Corinth Books, New York, US... contains: ?)
- The First Third by Neal Cassady
(19??, non-fiction, autobiography... Kerouac based many of his stories on real life experiences with Neal Cassady)
- Evergreen Review
(US literary magazine which featured the beats... published original Jack Kerouac pieces along with work by William S.Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, etc.)
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