Thomas Pynchon
(originally published 1959... 197?)
(originally published 1960... 1978)
(originally published 1960... 19??, Mouldwarp, London)
"The Secret Integration"
(originally published 1964... 1980, Aloes Books, London)
"A Journey into the Mind of Watts"
(originally published 1966... 1983, Mouldwarp, London)
(196?, novel)
The Crying of Lot 49
(1966, novella, literary fantasy... Lippincott, UK)
Gravity's Rainbow
(1973, novel)
Slow Learner
(1990, novel)
Mason and Dixon
(1997, novel)
- Biograph -- Thomas Pynchon
Also See
- A Gravity's Rainbow Companion: Sources and Contexts for Pynchon's Novel by Steven Weisenburger
(19??, non-fiction)
Additional Links
(Thomas Pynchon site... includes: "A Web-Guide to Thomas Pynchon's V. " and "Tim Ware's Hyper-Concordance to Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow "... link sent by Tim Ware, curator... e-mail him at:
Thomas Pynchon Home Page
(includes Pynchon FAQ... complete Mortality and Mercy in Vienna, and some other texts... page initiated by Penny Padgett at Pomona College, with lots of people providing material...
link sent by Patrik Carlsson, e-mail:
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