Vernor Vinge
(1969, science fiction... uncertain of this title)
The Witling
(1976, science fiction... uncertain of this title)
True Names... and Other Dangers
(1981, novella, short stories, science fiction, cyberpunk...Baen, New York, US)
True Names
(1984, novella, science fiction, protocyberpunk...Bluejay Books / St Martin's Press, New York, US)
The Peace War
(1984, novel, science fiction...Baen, New York, US)
Marooned in Realtime
(1986, novel, science fiction... sequel to The Peace War )
Tatja Grimm's World
(1987, science fiction... uncertain of this title)
Threats and Other Promises
(1988, short stories, science fiction)
A Fire Upon the Deep
(1991, novel, science fiction... space opera)
Across Realtime
(1993, novels, science fiction, omnibus edition... contains: The Peace War , Marooned in Realtime )
Zones of Thought
(forthcoming, novel, science fiction... prequel to A Fire Upon the Deep )
Short Fiction / NonFiction
"Technological Singularity" by Vernor Vinge
(essay published in Whole Earth Review , 199?... imagining a consciousness expanded by googolbytes of computer memory and processing power)
*note: This listing is just beginning.
Also See
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*note: Please let me know of any other Vernor Vinge pages on the Net (please include page Titles, URLs, brief description). It is impossible for me to do searches on every entry, so your input would be appreciated.
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