Updated: 9 May 1998
Help appreciated. Contributions fully accredited. Links welcome.
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
-- NonFiction Books --
- Digital Crime by Neil Barrett
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- Spectacular Computer Crimes by Buck Bloombecker
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- II Cybernetic Frontiers by Stewart Brand
(1974, non-fiction... social history)
- Computer Viruses: A High Tech Disease by Ralph Burger
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- Cyberspace and the Law by Edward A.Cavazos, Gavino Morin
(19??, non-fiction)
- Approaching Zero: Data Crime and the Computer Underworld by Bryan Clough, Paul Mungo
(1992, non-fiction...Faber and Faber, London, UK, hbk, ISBN 0-571-16546-X)
- A Short Course on Computer Viruses by Frederick B.Cohen
(1990, non-fiction)
- Datatheft by Hugo Cornwall
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- The Hackers Handbook by Hugo Cornwall
(19??, non-fiction, reference)
- Computers Under Attack edited by Peter J.Denning
(19??, non-fiction)
- Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture by Mark Dery
(1993, non-fiction, essays... electronic frontier)
- "Culture Jamming -- Culture Jamming, Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs" by Mark Dery
(1993, non-fiction... 'guerilla culture')
- Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier by Katie Hafner and John Markoff
(1991, non-fiction... hacker history)
- Computer Underground by M.Harry
(19??, non-fiction... hacking, piracy, phreaking, computer crime)
- Out of the Inner Circle by Bill Landreth
(19??, non-fiction... hacker history)
- Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy
(1984, non-fiction... early hacker history)
- Artificial Life: The Quest for a New Creation by Steven Levy
(1992, non-fiction... artificial life)
- The Fugitive Game: Online with Kevin Mitnick by Jonathan Littman
(1996, non-fiction...Little Brown & Company... Kevin Mitnick, hacker history... "the inside story of the great cyberchase")
- Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs, and Other Threats to Your System by John McAfee
(1989, non-fiction... computer viruses, core worms)
- Cyber Movies - Cyborg, Hackers, Mondi Virtuali: Guida al Cinema del Terzo Millenio by Gianluigi Negri
(19??, non-fiction... original Italian language version... cyber cinema, hackers in film... for more information, e-mail: radio12@immagica.it)
- Fighting Computer Crime by Don Parker
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace by Joshua Quittner, Michelle Slatalla
(1994, non-fiction... hackers, cybercrime...
balanced reportage of relatively recent hacker history)
- Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits by Andrew Ross
(1991, non-fiction)
- Cyberia -- Life In The Trenches Of Hyperspace by Douglas Rushkoff
(1994, non-fiction... cyberculture, social history)
- Takedown by Tsutomu Shimomura with John Markoff
(1995, non-fiction... Kevin Mitnick, hacker history... for more info check this website)
- International Handbook on Computer Crime by Ulrich Sieber
(19??, non-fiction... cybercrime)
- The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
(1992, non-fiction... reportage of large-scale US government crackdown on hackers... hacker history)
- The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage by Clifford Stoll
(1989, non-fiction... hacker history, espionage)
*note: I have a number of entries for these books on floppy disk, but my disk drive is dead...so, there'll be a delay in updating this list. Anyone willing to create pages for these titles is welcome... please follow form.
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
-- Fiction Books --
- Drawing Blood by Poppy Z.Brite
(1994, novel, horror)
- Synners by Pat Cadigan
(1991, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Hackers edited by Jack Dann, Gardner Dozois
(October 1996, anthology, science fiction)
- F2F by Phillip Finch
(1995, novel, science fiction, cyberthriller... hackers, IRC)
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
(1984, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Count Zero by William Gibson
(1986, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson
(1988, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Lethal Interface by Mel Odum
(1992, novel, science fiction, cyberthriller... virtual reality)
- Terminal Games by Cole Perriman
(1994, novel, cyberthriller)
- The Silicon Man by Charles Platt
(1993, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Dreams of Flesh and Sand by W.T.Quick
(1988, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Dreams of Gods and Men by W.T.Quick
(1989, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- Singularities by W.T.Quick
(1989, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
- The Hacker and the Ants by Rudy Rucker
(1994, novel, science fiction)
- Destroying Angel by Richard Paul Russo
(1992, novel, science fiction... serial killer, virtual reality)
- Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott
(1994, novel, science fiction)
- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
(1991, novel, science fiction, cyberpunk)
*note: I'll be adding titles and links to this bibliography whenever I can. Currently, there is a spate of books which can be termed 'cyberthriller' and involve computer hacking. Since many of these books are not in my personal archives, publishing details are not always available. Publishers can rectify this situation by sending me details and/or review copies.
For the time being, I've listed these entries in alphabetical order by author. Uncertain whether to continue this way. Listing by book title might also be handy. Both ways are useful. A searchable database would be the ideal... and this version of Mark/Space is just at the steampunk stage. Let me know if you have a solution to this.
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
-- Films / Documentaries --
- Cyberpunk
(documentary video)
- Hackers
(feature film... external link to film site)
- Jumping Jack Flash
(feature film... starring: Whoopi Goldberg)
- The Net
(1995, feature film, directed by Irwin Winkler... starring: Sandra Bullock... computer consultant stumbles across sinister electronic espionage... external link to film site)
- Sneakers
(feature film... starring: Robert Redford)
- Unauthorized Access
(non-fiction film... computer cracker underground... external link: Annaliza Savage)
- Wargames
(feature film)
Also See:
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
-- Magazines --
Hackers, Viruses, & CyberCrime
-- Additional Links --
(controversial site... lock-picking, bomb-making, hacking, phreaking, spying, scams, drugs, etc...
recommended... uncertain if still an active site)
Computer Virus Myths
(virus information, myths debunked... site maintained by Ron Rosenberger)
Cult of the Dead Cow
("We're the world's oldest underground t-file group, and we've been terrorizing the internet/hpworld since 1984." --Paul Leonard.)
(ftp site... articles and papers on cryptography, remailers... plus links)
Defiant Eurosat
(satellite TV hacking news and information... pirate cards, decoders, software, encryption keys)
Hacker Jargon
(an in-depth glossary of Hacker Jargon presented by Eric Raymond)
(high tech hacking and other weirdness... maintained by Dany Drennan)
The Lockpicking Guide
(hacking often involves doing in-person research... here's the jimmy)
(is this really the Legion of Doom site?)
The New Hacker's Dictionary
(glossary of Hacker terms)
NT Bugtraq
(listing of potentially malicious bugs... haven't checked this link yet)
PHILA -- Remote Resources
(hacker link site...
have linked to Mark/Space, mucho obligato)
Silicon Toad's Hacking Resources
(as stated... e-mail: silicon@netwalk.com)
Symantec Anti-Virus Reference Center
(updates on the latest viruses)
Viruses@WPI: Online References
(resource site... haven't checked this link)
Of Related Interest
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