Also referred to as transhuman, or extropian."That stage of human development which goes beyond our biological evolution.
"An example of this is our newly forged co-dependency on cybernetic technology, which can be viewed as a manufactured symbiosis ('homocyberneticus'). Other examples of how we are going beyond our natural given state include genetic engineering (tampering with our DNA), virtual reality (creating transcendent space and identity), and nanotechnology (tampering with physical reality).
"Emerging attributes in posthumans:
Alteration of biological development and function;
Functioning multi-personalities (virtual identities);
Extended life-spans;
Capable of designing new lifeforms (artificial life, transgenic species);
Ability to materialize necessities (molecular engineering)."The posthuman extends his/her possibilities through conscious design". --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 1995).
Posthuman FAQ
(external link supplied by Dean, 13 january 1996...
e-mail him at:
this link has been reported as not working... is there a new URL?)
Transhuman Terminology
(dictionary of terms, maintained by Anders Sandberg...
posthumans and neuromancers take note...
new URL)
What is Posthumanism? by Daniel C.Ust
(article defining the concept)