Posthuman / Transhuman
Updated: 10 October 1997
This listing will cover: Posthuman, Transhuman, Cyborg, Transgenic Species.
*note: New page. Links welcome. Contributions will be credited.
Posthuman / Transhuman
-- NonFiction Books --
- Evolution Isn't What it Used To Be: The Augmented Animal and the Whole Wired World by Walter Truett Anderson
(1996, non-fiction... posthuman...
"what happens now that we can control our own evolution" --Henry W.Targowski.)
- After Man: A Zoology of the Future by Dougal Dixon
(1981, non-fiction... posthuman)
- What Sort of People Should There Be? -- Genetic Engineering, Brain Control and Their Impact on our Future World by Jonathan Glover
(1984, non-fiction... genetic engineering, neurologic, posthuman, future)
- The Cyborg Handbook edited by Chris Hables Gray with the assistance of Heidi J.Figueroa-Sarriera and Steven Mentor
(1995, non-fiction...Indiana University Press, US, hbk)
- Posthuman Bodies edited by Judith Halberstam, Ira Livingston
(1995, non-fiction...Routledge, New York, US, hbk... posthuman, future)
- Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature by Donna Haraway
(1991, non-fiction...Routledge, New York, US, hbk... identity)
- Future Man? by Chris Morgan
(1980... a science fiction perspective on humanity's future, posthuman)
- The Posthuman Condition by Robert Pepperell
(external link to an extract from his book... e-mail him at:
this link reported as not working... is there a new URL for this book?
Although promised a copy, I never received one. So, I'm uncertain if this book was ever published. --Henry W.Targowski.)
Posthuman / Transhuman
-- Fiction Books --
- Dawn by Octavia Butler
(1987, novel, science fiction... alien contact, genetic engineering, transgenic species, posthuman... book 1 'Xenogenesis' trilogy...
available online courtesy of Aspect Books...
highly recommended)
- Adulthood Rites by Octavia Butler
(1988, novel, science fiction... transgenic species, posthuman... book 2 'Xenogenesis' trilogy...
available online courtesy of Aspect Books)
- Imago by Octavia Butler
(1989, novel, science fiction... transgenic species, posthuman... book 3 'Xenogenesis' trilogy...
available online courtesy of Aspect Books)
- Childhood's End by Arthur C.Clarke
(1953, novel, science fiction... evolution, posthuman)
- This Side of Judgement by J.R.Dunn
(1994, novel, science fiction, technothriller... cybernetically-enhanced humans, posthuman)
- Becoming Alien by Rebecca Ore
(January 1988, novel, science fiction...Tor, New York, US, pbk, ISBN 0-812-54794-2)
- The Silicon Man by Charles Platt
(1991, novel, science fiction...Bantam Spectra Special Edition, US, pbk... storing human minds in computer hardware, posthuman)
- The Müller-Fokker Effect by John Sladek
(1970, novel, science fiction, satire... personality transference into computer, posthuman)
- Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon
(1930, novel, science fiction... posthuman)
- Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon
(1937, novel, science fiction... metaphysics, evolution, posthuman, aliens, god)
- Lady El by Jim Starlin and Diana Graziunas
(June 1992, novel, science fiction...Roc / Penguin, New York, US, pbk... using a human brain as processor leads to an unintentional personality transfer into the computer, posthuman)
- Schismatrix Plus by Bruce Sterling
(December 1996, novel, short stories, science fiction...Ace, New York, US, trade pbk... posthuman)
- More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon
(1953, novel, science fiction... psychic powers, telepathy, gestalt entity)
- Supermind by A.E.van Vogt
(19??, novel, science fiction... intelligence increase)
Posthuman / Transhuman
-- Short Fiction --
Posthuman / Transhuman
-- Magazines --
Posthuman / Transhuman
-- Additional Links --
*note: Please inform me of any changes to the sites listed above. Also, let me know of any additional links which should be added.
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