Hakim Bey
- Crowstone: The Chronicles of Qamar
(19??, novel, sword'n'sorcery, erotica...?, Holland)
Chaos: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism
(19??, non-fiction...Autonomedia, Brooklyn, New York, US)
T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism
(19??, non-fiction...Autonomedia, Brooklyn, New York, US, pbk)
(199?, non-fiction, essays...AK Press, San Francisco, California, US, perfect bound, ISBN 1-873176-80-5... illustrated by Freddie Baer)
Articles and Essays
Books Online
Also See
- Anarchy and the End of History edited by Mike Gunderloy, Michael Ziesling
(199?, non-fiction, anthology... contains essays from contemporary anarchists... includes: Hakim Bey, George Woodcock, Robert Shea, etc.)
- Semiotext(e) SF 14, Volume V, Issue 2 edited by Peter Lamborn Wilson, Rudy Rucker, Robert Anton Wilson
(1989, anthology...Autonomedia, Brooklyn, New York, US... contains: the poem "The Antarctic Autonomous Zone: A Science-Fiction Story" by Hakim Bey)
- Towards 2012 Part III: Culture & Language edited by ?
(199?, non-fiction, anthology...Rooted Media, Leeds, UK... e-mail: gyruscope@hotmail.com... contains: ? by Hakim Bey)
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