R.Buckminster Fuller
(1928, non-fiction, essays, letters, drawings...self-published, mimeographed... re-published by Lama Foundation / Biotechnic Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, US, pbk, 1972... housing, society)
Nine Chains to the Moon
(1938, non-fiction...Lippincott, Philadelphia, US, hbk... physics, housing, banking, politics, industrialization)
Untitled Epic Poem on the History of Industrialization
(1940, poem...first published by Jonathan Williams / The Nantahala Foundation, US, pbk, 1962)
Education Automation
(1961, non-fiction...first published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois, US, December 1962... new educational system)
Ideas and Integrities
(1963, non-fiction, illustrated...Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, US... edited by Robert W.Marks)
No More Secondhand God
(May 1963, non-fiction, poems, essays...Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois, US)
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
(1969, non-fiction...first published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois, US, hbk, SBN 8093-2461-X)
Planetary Planning
(1969, non-fiction...Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, India, pbk... 3rd Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial lecture, delivered on 13 November 1969)
Utopia or Oblivion
(1969, non-fiction, lectures, manuscripts)
And It Came to Pass -- Not to Stay
(19??, non-fiction)
(1972, non-fiction...Doubleday, Garden City, New York, US)
Earth, Inc.
(1973, non-fiction...Doubleday, Garden City, New York, US)
Synergetics -- Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
(1975, non-fiction, textbook...Macmillan, New York, US)
Synergetics II
(1979, non-fiction, textbook...Macmillan, New York, US)
Critical Path
(1981, non-fiction...St.Martin's Press, New York, US... world issues)
Grunch of Giants
(1983, non-fiction...St.Martin's Press, New York, US... sequel to Critical Path )
Cosmography: A Posthumous Scenario for the Future of Humanity
(19??, non-fiction...?, US)
R.Buckminster Fuller, Jerome Agel, Quentin Fiore
(1970, collage-book...Bantam Books, New York, US pbk... "neo-McLuhanesque presentation of Fuller's philosophy.")
R.Buckminster Fuller, Eric A.Walker, James R.Killian Jr.
(1970, non-fiction, essays...University of Alabama Press, US... contains: "Education for Comprehensivity" by R.Buckminster Fuller)
*note: The links to individual book entries have changed. If you've linked directly to those entries, please change the URLs accordingly.
Archive Material
"The Birth of the Geodesic Dome: How Bucky Did It" by Lloyd Steven Sieden
(originally published in The Futurist , Vol.23, No.6, November/December 1989... article adapted from Buckminster Fuller's Universe: An Appreciation by Lloyd Steven Sieden)
"Fuller's House" by Archibald MacLeish?
(originally published in Fortune , Vol.23, April 1946... *note: uncertain of author)
Further Reading
- Synergetics Dictionary compiled by Ed J.Applewhite
(19??, non-fiction)
- A Fuller Explanation by Amy Edmondson
(1987, non-fiction...?, US, hbk)
- Buckminster Fuller at Home in the Universe by Alden Hatch
(1974, non-fiction, biography...Crown Publishers, New York, US)
- Bucky -- A Guided Tour of Buckminster Fuller by Hugh Kenner
(1973, non-fiction...William Morrow, New York, US)
- Bucky for Beginners by Mary Laycock
(19??, non-fiction)
- The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller by Robert Marks
(1960, non-fiction, illustrated...Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois, US, hbk)
- R.Buckminster Fuller by John McHale
(1962, non-fiction...George Braziller, New York, US)
- The Buckminster Fuller Reader by James Meller
(1970, non-fiction...Jonathan Cape, London, UK, hbk, SBN 224-61785-0)
- Design Heroes: Buckminster Fuller by Martin Pawley
(1990, non-fiction, illustrated... architecture, design)
- Mind's Eye of Buckminster Fuller by Donald W.Robertson
(1974, non-fiction...Vantage Press, New York, US... inventions and philosophy seen through the eyes of Fuller's former patent lawyer)
- Wizard of the Dome -- R.Buckminster Fuller, Designer for the Future by Sidney Rosen
(1969, non-fiction, biography...Little Brown & Co, Boston, Massachusetts, US... a young people's biography)
- Buckminster Fuller's Universe: An Appreciation by Lloyd Steven Sieden
(April 1989, non-fiction... Foreword by Norman Cousins)
- Buckminster Fuller to Children of Earth compiled and photographed by Cam Smith
(1972, non-fiction, essay, illustrated...Doubleday, Garden City, New York, US)
- Buckminster Fuller: An Autobiographical Monologue / Scenario documented and edited by Robert Snyder
(1980, non-fiction, illustrated)
Also See
- Zome Primer by Steve Baer
(196?, non-fiction, illustrated... stretching Fuller's concepts into new forms)
- Perfect Symmetry by Jim Baggott
(1994, non-fiction... about the discovery of Buckminsterfullerene)
- Space Colonies edited by Stewart Brand
(1977, non-fiction, illustrated...Penguin Books, New York, US, pbk... contains: "Untitled Comments on Space Colonies" by R.Buckminster Fuller)
- Order in Space: A Design Source Book by Keith Critchlow
(1969, non-fiction, reference, illustrated...Thames and Hudson, London, UK... geometric structures, geodesics... inspired by the work of R.Buckminster Fuller... essential sourcebook)
- Design for the Real World by Victor Papanek
(1971, non-fiction... partly inspired by Fuller's work)
- Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson
(1977, non-fiction... contains: an essay about R.Buckminster Fuller)
- Expanded Cinema by Gene Youngblood
(1970, non-fiction, cinema, film... avant-garde, experimental film... contains: a great "Introduction" by R.Buckminster Fuller)
AudioVisual Material
- Buckminster Fuller on Spaceship Earth by Robert Snyder
(19??, television special, 60 minutes)
- Buckminster Fuller: Thinking Out Loud
(19??, documentary... this links to film info and review)
- Geodesic Domes: Math Raises the Roof
(19??, documentary film, ? minutes)
- Introduction to the World Game by Robert Snyder
(19??, documentary film, 30 minutes)
- Primer of the Universe by Robert Snyder
(19??, documentary film, 30 minutes)
- Reflections: Buckminster Fuller by Robert Snyder
(19??, television special, 60 minutes)
- Sketchbook No.1: Three Americans by Robert Snyder
(19??, vignette, 10 minutes)
- The World of Buckminster Fuller by Robert Snyder
(19??, documentary film, 85 minutes... produced and distributed by Masters & Masterworks, 15313 Whitfield Avenue, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, USA... tel: 213- 454 3836)
R.Buckminster Fuller
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