Better An Old Demon Than A New God edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 033... contains: "Dinosaurs" by William S.Burroughs)
(1983, television documentary, 90 minutes... an episode of the BBC 'Arena' series... directed by Howard Brookner... produced by Howard Brookner and Alan Yentob... featuring: Allen Ginsberg, Brion Gysin, Herbert Huncke, John Giorno, Laurie Anderson, Terry Southern, Lucien Carr, William Burroughs Jr, James Grauerholz, Francis Bacon)
"Filmed over a five-year period, gets to the heart of Burrough's terrifying vision, revolutionary style, wit and sense of outrage." -- (in Radio Times , 16-22 August 1997)
Call Me Burroughs by William S.Burroughs
(1965, LP, ?? minutes...ESP Records, New York, US, ESP-1050...first spoken word album... sound engineer: Ian Somerville... features extracts from The Naked Lunch and Nova Express )
"This is a classic recording... Burroughs at his best... highly recommended." --Henry W.Targowski.
Capitol City Radio by William S.Burroughs
(199?, audio CD, ?? minutes...Island, London, UK)
Commissioner of Sewers
(19??, video, ?? minutes... directed by Klaas Maeck... features: William S.Burroughs)
Destroy All Rational Thought
(19??, video, ?? minutes... features: William S.Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Hakim Bey)
The Dial-A-Poem Poets edited by John Giorno
(1972, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 001... contains: excerpts from The Wild Boys by William S.Burroughs, recorded Duke Street, London, UK, 19 November 1971)
A Diamond Hidden In The Mouth Of A Corpse edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 035... contains: "The President, Colonel Bradford" and "Every Man A God" by William S.Burroughs)
God Bless America
(19??, film, ?? minutes)
"I'm looking for an obscure film of Wm Burroughs a very odd version of 'God Bless America'." --Stafford, e-mail:
*note: Anyone who knows about this film, please send info.
Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages
(19??, silent film, ?? minutes,Sweden...*note: a special version was re-issued with a voiceover by William S.Burroughs)
"The Burroughs' commentary is absolutely brilliant." --Henry W.Targowski.
Junky by William S.Burroughs
(19??, 2 audio cassettes, ?? minutes... read by the author)
Kerouac: Kicks Joy Darkness
(19??, audio CD, ?? minutes... contains: tributes by Patti Smith, Lydia Lunch, Hunter S.Thompson, William S.Burroughs)
Like A Girl, I Want You To Keep Coming edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 040... contains: "Just Say No To Drug Hysteria (excerpt)" and "Dead Souls" by William S.Burroughs)
Naked Lunch
(1991, feature film, US/Canada, 125 minutes... directed by David Cronenberg... starring: Peter Weller, Judy Davis, Ian Holm, Roy Scheider... based on the book by William S.Burroughs... beat scene)
"Deftly exploring new shock corridors of disgust, Cronenberg underlines Burroughs's autobiographical concerns over abuses of power." -- in Radio Times , 16-22 August 1997.
OU Revue-Disque 40/41 March 72 edited by Henri Chopin
(1972, LP, ?? minutes...Multi-Techniques, Paris, France... limited edition revue, 500 copies... published by Henri Chopin... contains: "Valentine Day Reading" by William S.Burroughs, recorded 1965)
The "Priest" They Called Him by William S.Burroughs / Kurt Cobain
(1992, audio CD, ?? minutes...Tim Kerr Records, Portland, Oregon, US, TK92CD044... voice: William S.Burroughs; guitar: Kurt Cobain)
The Search for Einstein's Brain
(19??, BBC television documentary... brief unexpected cameo appearance by William S.Burroughs)
Smack My Crack edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 038... contains: "Words Of Advice" and "Kim Like The Great Gatsby" by William S.Burroughs)
10%: File Under Burroughs
(19??, 2 audio CD, ?? minutes... features: William S.Burroughs, Terry Wilson, Herbert Huncke)
Thee Films 1950s-1960s
(19??, video, omnibus edition, ?? minutes)
You're The Guy I Want To Share My Money With edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 020-021... contains: "Performing on the Red Night Tour from: Cities Of The Red Night , The Place Of Dead Roads , Twilight's Last Gleamings , Nova Express " by William S.Burroughs)
You're A Hook edited by John Giorno
(19??, LP, ?? minutes...Giorno Poetry Systems, New York, US, GPS 030... contains: "Old Man Bickford" by William S.Burroughs)
Literary Kicks
(website maintained by Levi Asher)
"This site has really developed, it's probably the best overview on the beat scene available on the internet... do check it out... most highly recommended." --Henry W.Targowski.
The Unofficial William Burroughs Homepage
(another site worth a look-see)
The William S.Burroughs Files
(Malcolm Humes' excellent links to all things Burroughs at his InterNetWebZone... located at Hyperreal)