novel, science fiction, postmodern, slipstream, cyberpunk, aliens, drugs, sex, perversion, homosexuality
"It is amusing to read reviews of Burroughs that try to classify his books as non-books or as failed science fiction. It is a little like trying to criticize the sartorial and verbal manifestations of a man who is knocking on the door to explain that flames are leaping from the roof of our home". --Marshall McLuhan (in The Nation ).
"Burroughs' humor is peculiarly American, at once broad and sly. It is the humor of a comedian, a vaudeville performer playing in One, in front of the asbestos curtain.... The effect of pandemonium, all hell breaking loose, is one of Burroughs' favorites and an equivalent of the old vaudeville finale, with the acrobats, the jugglers, the magician, the hoofers, the lady-who-was-cut-in-half, the piano player, the comedians, all pushing into the act". --Mary McCarthy (in The New York Review of Books ).
3rd in a trilogy of science fiction novels: The Soft Machine , The Ticket That Exploded , and Nova Express . The Interstellar War of the Sexes. The section called "This Horrible Case" was written in collaboration with Mr Ian Sommerville (a mathematician). Mr Sommerville also contributed the technical notes in the section called "Chinese Laundry".
"An extension of Brion Gysin's cut-up method which I call the fold-in method has been used in this book which is consequently a composite of many writers living and dead". --William S.Burroughs.
Unofficial William Burroughs Homepage
(another site worth a look-see)
The William S.Burroughs Files
(check Malcolm Humes' excellent links to all things Burroughs at his InterNetWebZone)