henry w.targowski
© 23.april.1993
I climbed the crests of saw-tooth waves
To skry the empty lands,
Where digit bits did info plot
And shape photonic sands.
Where castles floated in the air,
All formed from data files,
Convergent vision focused there
And sensed the endless miles.
Upon the rays of machine dreams
Where mortals plied their way,
Encountered shards of robot limbs
And brains in disarray.
What is this place of empty life
Without a pain to know,
No passion felt nor earthly strife
Where cyber winds did blow.
And in this space of unsurcease
Beyond the human pale,
There robots dead may rest in peace
And all our senses fail.
*note: This poem remains the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced without permission.
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