ISBN 0-553-28174-7 (US pbk),,, 0-586-06645-4 (UK pbk),,, 0-441-00068-1 (US hbk, 10th anniversary edition)
"Case was burnt-out, useless, suicidal -- his nervous system grievously maimed by a wartime Russian mycotoxin. The top Japanese experts in nerve-splicing and microbionics had taken his money and left him crippled. His days as a software cowboy seemed over.
"Then Case met a man who could cure him. In return, Case had to do a job. Had to. Because bonded to his artery walls were tiny sacs of the mycotoxin. Tiny sacs, slowly melting..." [jacket blurb, UK pbk, 1986]
"Case was the best interface cowboy who ever ran in Earth's computer matrix. Then he double-crossed the wrong people...". [promo]
"Case is the Marlowe of the mainframe age." -- (in Vox ).
"A masterpiece that moves faster than the speed of thought and is chilling in its implications." -- (in the New York Times ).
"The pessimistic vision of Neuromancer has inspired technologists from Silicon Valley to Wall Street and a global network of computer hackers who have committed countless nefarious deeds in the book's honour... Neuromancer was a literary Big Bang." -- (in The Sunday Times ).
"This is the quintessential cyberpunk novel. Hardwired future society at it's technologically seamiest. It was in this book that Gibson first coined the word 'cyberspace'. And it's actually a satire." --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , 1995).
Highly recommended.
Near future. Book 1 of trilogy: Neuromancer, Count Zero , Mona Lisa Overdrive . Winner of the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the 1985 Philip K.Dick Memorial Award. First novel.
Neuromancer by William Gibson
(this link connects to an online version of the novel)
(book entry at the University of Idaho cyberpunk site)
William Gibson's Yardshow
(officially sanctioned homepage... slow loading...
*note: this link takes you to the new address... here's the old URL.)