Timothy Leary
- Multilevel Measurement of Interpersonal Behavior
(1956, non-fiction)
Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality
(1957, non-fiction)
Psychedelic Prayers
(1966, non-fiction)
Start Your Own Religion
(1967, non-fiction)
The Politics of Ecstasy
(1968, non-fiction)
High Priest
(1968, non-fiction, autobiography)
The Declaration Of Evolution
(1970, non-fiction)
Timothy Leary, Appellant v. State of California, Appellee
(September 1970, non-fiction, memorandum...City Lights, San Francisco, California, US... prepared before his flight from prison)
Jail Notes
(1970, non-fiction)
Confessions of a Hope Fiend
(1973, non-fiction, autobiography)
(1973, non-fiction, essay... with Joanna Leary)
Starseed: A Psy-Phy Comet Tale
The Curse of the Oval Room
(1974, non-fiction)
Terra II... A Way Out
(13 January 1974, non-fiction, illustrated...Grace Company, San Francisco, California, US, pbk... co-written with Lynn Wayne Benner, Joanna Leary, and Guanine... includes: "Starseed -- A Psi-Phy Comet Tale")
What Does Woman Want?
(1976, non-fiction)
(1977, non-fiction)
Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis
(1977, non-fiction)
The Intelligence Agents
The Game of Life
(1979, non-fiction)
Changing My Mind, Among Others: Lifetime
(1982, non-fiction)
Flashbacks: An Autobiography
(1983, non-fiction)
Info-Psychology: A Manual on the Use of the Human Nervous System According To the Instructions
(1987, non-fiction)
(1988, non-fiction)
Timothy Leary's Greatest Hits
(1990, non-fiction)
Chaos & Cyber Culture
(1994, non-fiction)
Surfing the Conscious Nets
(September 1995, graphic novel...Last Gasp, California, US)
Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert
- The Psychedelic Experience
(1964, non-fiction)
Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Gunther M.Weil
(1965, non-fiction, essays, anthology...University Books, US... selections from The Psychedelic Review )
Timothy Leary, R.U.Sirius
(1997, non-fiction...HarperEdge, San Francisco, California, US, hbk)
Timothy Leary (editor)
- Communication With Higher Intelligence
(Fall 1977, magazine, Spit In the Ocean , Issue Number 3)
AudioVisual Material
For More Information
Also Check
- Timothy Leary: An Annotated Bibliography compiled by Michael Horowitz, Karen Walls, Billy Smith
(19??, non-fiction)
- Acid Dreams -- The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond by Martin A.Lee, Bruce Shlain
(1985, non-fiction... contains references to Timothy Leary, CIA drug experiments)
- Timothy Leary, the Madness of the Sixties, and Me by Charles W.Slack
- Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens
(1987, non-fiction... contains references to Timothy Leary)
Also See
- Whisper by Brian Barritt
(1971... prison notebook... contains: a postscript "The Wanderers" by Timothy Leary and Rosemary Leary)
- Best of Homegrown edited by Lee Harris and Chris Render
(1994, anthology... contains: "Declaration of Evolution" by Timothy Leary)
- The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design edited by Brenda Laurel
(1990, essays... contains: "The Cyber-Punk: The Individual as Reality Pilot", "The Interpersonal, Interactive, Interdimensional Interface" by Timothy Leary)
- The Psychedelic Experience by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert
(online text of the book)
- Storming the Reality Studio edited by Larry McCaffery
(1991, anthology... contains: "The Cyber-Punk: The Individual as Reality Pilot" by Timothy Leary)
- The Marijuana Papers: An Examination of Marijuana in Society, History and Literature edited by David Solomon
(1966, anthology... contains: "The Politics, Ethics, and Meaning of Marijuana" by Timothy Leary)
- The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness by Alan W.Watts
(1962, non-fiction, autobiographical... mescaline, psychedelics, altered states... contains: "Foreword" by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert)
- hyperFuzzy
(external link to online magazine which contains an article by Leary... slow loading)
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